'Necromancy is ill advised' this message is sponsored by Cabin 7

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Hazel was in a claustrophobic room trying to consume her life essence one moment, and the next she was kneeling next to Nico at the foot of what she assume is her father's throne. Hazel would have thought they both finally kicked the dust if she hadn't died before and knew how grating dealing with Charon was. So as it was, she held on to that thought as she knelt on familiar obsidian floor, trying to block out the thoughts of being dragged back into the underworld and leaving her whole life behind, again.

"Rise, both of you," a voice finally said. Though, it was much smoother than Pluto's, Hazel obeyed it, and found herself facing a familiar entity.

"I would say that it is a pleasure to meet you once more, but the sentiment might not be shared, Levasque," Thanatos, the god of death, calmly stated. Unlike last time, his form seemed to be hidden by a cloak that Hazel had to focus to actually see instead of the throne behind him.

It didn't make sense why they were here, she was pretty sure she was warned to stay clear of the underworld or else her soul might not escape a second time, she's never even been to palace of Pluto before. "Uhm, what brings us here, Thanatos?" Hazel finally asked, finding herself go stiff as a whisp of smoke escaped Thanatos before he answered.

"Clearly it is for me to finally claim what was rightfully mine to take and keep."

Hazel knew one day it would come to this, that one day someone much more powerful than her would change their minds about her situation and decide to drag her back down and leave all the precious things she still had to live for. But she also knew she wouldn't give all of it up without a fight, so she set her fingers grimly on the hilt of her spatha, ready to unsheathe her straight blade to-

"Thanatos, for the last time, stop trying to scare my children, it's been a millennia, isn't this getting old?" Hades huffed as he finally entered the room with a bundle of quickly wilting flowers in his arms. Seeing the bewildered faces of his children, he huffed some more, to the point that Hazel was tempted to poke his cheek.

"Persephone tries to be subtle, but she knows I didn't get much flowers in my worship. So she thought of this funny thing, flowers for the dead that they tend to just give to me, the white ones are my favorites, but moving on-" Pluto shuffled over, shadows consuming the flowers until they disappeared to god knows where.

"I know what Hecate has tried to bring you two to do behind my back," Pluto shrugged, as if his children committing an act that could sound like treason on paper happens every other Wednesday, "frankly, I found it funny she could hide anything from me when it comes to my children, but it does give us an opening for a certain opportunity." He sat on his throne in a relaxed manner, his foot tapping definitively being a simple deliberate act to add to his stoicism and not a tell for his nervousness.

"A soul that's escaped the clutches of death through means not entirely known to us, I'm proud of you both for recognizing such a sly problem, and as it stands, there is a certain bargain that can be struck." Hazel heard Nico's breath catch, but she didn't dare look away from her father, something inside her was stirring, like her soul was trying to know it's way out of her body to feast on something empty.

Like hunger, but for a certain opportunity.

"A life for a life, a lost soul for the proper return." Thanatos had whispered it but the words still rang loudly through the hall, or maybe that was just Hazel. "I'm generous to give you more exemptions until you can bring Tom's soul to me from Hecate, and then, you may properly claim your place as a princess of the Underworld, young Levasque."

"We personally don't know how he stayed alive for so long,but I trust you two to be able to figure out, you two are the best of the Underworld, so-" Pluto looked weirdly mischievous with his usual grave expressions gone.

"Good luck, my children, and do tell Hecate I said hello."
Coming back to the living world a second time was less like waking up from a good dream, and more like her soul was slammed back into her body and decided to punch her stomach while it was at it. She almost felt like passing out again from the pain of it, taking comfort in the eldritch shadow (that she really should come up with a name for, she was starting to get attached) that had slowly inched away from the couple to rub it's head on Hazel's leg like a cat.

Of course, not all recovery periods from near death last, and Nico just had to remember the deal they made to Kreature. Hazel gave an exaggerated sigh before slowly standing up. She found herself in hole-digging duty with Nico while Will and Kreature searched for food.

"So-" Nico started, mouth opening and closing like a fish like he wasn't sure what to say.
"We have to find some wizard's soul to make sure that no technicality can be traced to make you go back to the underworld again."
"And we'll most likely have to find out how he escaped Thanatos for so long-take out the rock over there please."
"Mhm, sure"
"Are you nervous about it?"
This time, Hazel paused, and it almost cause the rock to hit her between the eyes before she took control of her powers again. The rock, which actually looked like a lovely silver lace agate, slowly turned in the air as she contemplated her brother's question.

"I am, a little I think, but at the same time this could mean that I won't have to be afraid of going to the Underworld, I could get stronger, and it also means a bad man can finally get what's coming to him." She finally set the moon lace agate to the ground.

"I'm scared of failing, but I always will be, and I'm scared of what I have to do once we actually find him, will I be able to do the right thing? Will I do something selfish? But with you by my side, I'm sure we'll be able to come out of this just fine, big bro." Hazel loops her arm on his shoulder and shakes him lightly, smushing their cheeks together and seeing his spirits start to lighten even more. Nico gave a soft smile before pushing her face away and standing up just as Will and Kreature walked back into the clearing.

"Just so you know, necromancy after passing out twice in a day is something I don't recommend you do as your doctor." Will pointed out as he carefully handed the delicious assortment of food that Nico wasn't even going to ask how he got, "we never agreed we'd summon Kreature's master immediately, just that we would."

"I know, Will, but a deal is a deal, plus, if your his successor he'll probably give us more clues about this world than anything Hecate will give the next time she comes around." Hazel saw Will tense, but decided not to comment on the dark look that passed over his face for a few seconds.

"Alright Neeks, but just so you know, this is very ill advised."
Somewhere else at the Gimmauld House, someone clutched their forehead and wailed as if they were in great pain. And an unconscious godfather awoke with a cold feeling in his veins.

My sister: could you shut the hell up?
Me: ....

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