Off to Scotland

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When Nico envisioned a going overseas with Will he thought of something akin to a honeymoon. Both older, less stress, a much more romantic situation.

Having to risk his life to retrieve an annoying demigod was not on his bucket list, but it was something that was more aligned with reality.

"So let me get this straight-" Will almost snorted at that, "oh shush Will, you're saying some demigod from across the Atlantic has been found ,but for some reason or another, the satyr assigned to him came back with almost no memory of seeing him?" Nico started, already feeling a headache creep up.

Chiron merely nodded with a tired look in his eyes. With the new injury he acquired to his horsely behind (a shooting accident that both Nico and Will probably would never forget).

"It seems we were lucky that Cooper was able to call and remember the camp's location. With further testing it seems he can't even remember immediate family members," Will Solace added. Showing the test results for the other occupants to see.

"What's strange however, is the fact that his memory lost isn't consistent, and I couldn't find a concussion at all. I mean, he was able to remember his aunt Fanny one minute, that forgot he had any aunts at all the next. I haven't dealt with memory loss like this before, even with demigods with harder concussions."


Nico, a son of Hades, felt his blood run cold. He instinctively leans forward, a steady gaze holding up as the gears turned in his head.

Processing the information.

"This isn't a normal case of demigod fetching isn't it? Some entity, heck maybe a god is messing with us." He says calmly. The shadows in the Big House solidifying into tendrils of black matter, betraying his relaxed stance as they writhed to pounce. Circling through his being as his eyes darken. His cold skin gradually syncing with the colder temperature that he was creating.

A touch of a hand and a few comforting words to his ear was what made him calm down.


"My dear boy, I'm afraid you might be right. However, we have not received any prophecy and-"Chiron looks at the sky in a pleading manner "-let us hope it stays that way."

"You will be going a week from now with Hazel Levasque. She agreed with the added condition that she would need to research on the status updates on Roman demigods in Scotland," Chiron looked at the two expectantly, "think of it more as a vacation, dear gods knows that's how I've survived."


"Besides cherishing all of you of course."

After a few more plans prepared (and a complaint with the lack of toilet paper in the infirmary) the duo head of to the dining hall.

In the cold stone of the Hades seat, Nico sadly slurped his McDonald's spaghetti ( where did they sell the McDonalds spaghetti again? he'll have to revisit, this is good, was it in Italy or Philippines?) fidgeting slightly with the toy that came with the packaging. Wishing that the skeleton he asked to pick up his meal chose the rainbow unicorn with wings instead instead of the purple one.

Will's eyes were watching him. He could feel it, but he wasn't ready to face him or the quest just yet, he'll finish his Mcghetti, wash up, meet up with Solace as if they both didn't know what the grim possibilities were, and give a peck on his cheeks. Tomorrow can wait, tomorrow can go suck a di-

He inhales before he finishes the thought.

Tomorrow, he would have to pack.

Hello all you fellow fans. As you would know, I have no rights to Percy Jackson and have no rights to Harry Potter, if I did then Albus Dumbledore would have had proper representation. Goodbye y'all.

Solace of Slytherin; a grandson of Voldemort StoryWhere stories live. Discover now