Headache? I'd reccomend ibuprofen

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A/n: fun fact, I fainted exactly one (1) time, and my sister who spent most of her high school in the junior Red Cross organization just thought I was doing my usual weird thing until a nurse swooped by to make sure I wasn't dead.

Harry thought a dementor was above him, because Merlin's neckerchief, his head hurt-
Like iced water was being poured from his forehead and into his nose, it felt like his skull was trying to hammer itself away from his skull. It hurt, and he wanted to curl up and block the light that was making the cold burn worse, and to never move, and just accept the darkness he would eternally be in just to stop feeling like a 'dementor suffering smoothie tm'. His mouth drying like any fluid in him froze as well.

He felt someone shout near his ear and jostle him, but he only had the strength to whimper and try to push them away while still hunching over himself. The moments (or was it hours?) seemed to pass by in a blur, his back was starting to hurt from curling in on himself, but his head seemed to clear up a bit. Less like an ice bag brutalizing his head, and more like it's been in an ice bath for a bit too long. When he became more aware of his surrounding, he heard the slow breath of someone beside him, and he didn't know why, but his headache receded even more.

'Magic probably,' he thought to himself, as he finally willed himself to lift his head and met the eye of one Professor McGonagall. Her eyes were sunken in a way Harry had never seen in her face before, but despite it, she didn't seem willing to close her eyes for a rest, only looking away once she saw Harry no longer hiding his face.

"Harry, thank Gwendydd' fingers you're alright!" He felt two pairs of arms embrace him, and he tried not to hiss at them being too loud. He decided to just enjoy the warmth that the hug provided him that soothed the headache further back, still pounding at his skull but not as harshly.

"What-what happened? Why are you guys here?" Harry finally decided to ask, surveying the room to find, not only McGonagall, but Sirius and Moody in the room with him, all seeming worst for wear with Sirius rubbing an ice pack at the back of his head and and Moody wearing fluffy pink earmuffs that Harry thought looked familiar.

"The grandson of Voldemort happened, mate, the git is slimier then we thought he would be!" Ron hissed as Hermione helped Harry slowly lie down properly. "That cold feeling earlier, you felt it too, Harry, didn't you? Hermione's been telling me that I'm imagining things, but the chill was definitely there, something dark-"

Ron didn't continue as he shivered once more, Harry could bet 20 galleons it wasn't because of the earlier cold either. Hermione merely huffed at Ron, and Harry was glad that Ron had enough maturity to glare at her before returning his attention to him. He was glad to have friends like these.

"In any other case, the grandson of Voldemort escaped, and is pretty much at large in the house." Hermione's voice was stiff and indifferent, but Harry's known her long enough to clutch her shaking hands along with Ron's. "Mrs. Weasley sent us here to watch you while she's got the other kids in another room."

"Well we've got to find him then!" Harry tried to shout through his dry throat, only ending up coughing as Hermione passed Ron a cup, that Ron then carefully brought to Harry's hands to guide to his lips. "As much as I agree with you, mate, Hermione definitely wouldn't let us," at that Hermione half-heartedly elbowed him but didn't interrupt, "and this Solace guy must be formidable if he was able to trip up three adult wizards!"

Harry tried to get up either way, but darn his friends for knowing him too well, immediately a hand from each immediately secured a side of his ribs and started digging lightly, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to freeze him with the grievous threat.

"If you think we wouldn't use this tactic on you, then you'd be wrong, Harry," Harry would normally scoff at the tone of Hermione's voice, but her hand just dug deeper into her side of him rib, letting a panic and a gust of air rise up in him.


Then all hell broke loose and Harry couldn't stop laughing as Hermione and Ron tickled the living hell out of him, and for a moment he can forget about the other people in the room, about the entire hell storm of a mess that's been going on between the three of them since summer, and he was just back in first year spending the best time of his life with his best mates. The warm fluttering feeling in his chest was new, but he ignored it as he was finally freed from their grasping arms.

Of course it didn't last long, because now someone downstairs, probably Molly, was yelling about a stolen dinner and what she'd do to the culprit if she finds them with the bones of the bird for dinner. The trio shuddered.

"I better go help Mrs. Weasley with dinner, I suppose. Do you feel strong enough to join us Harry?" Hermione was already standing up, and dragging a half-heartedly struggling Ron as well. "Oh, so I couldn't venture on my own to confront an enemy, but we can go down to confront an angry Mrs. Weasley?" Harry joked, but the light tone from earlier has already receded. The warm bubble popping and the trio back to the awkward shuffling from before.

"We might as well, mum might point at me if I don't show her I'm innocent right away."

So down through the stairs they went, expecting to be greeted by a fuming Weasley Matron, and instead are greeted with three strangers exiting a still closing magic wall (because of course there's a magic wall). Their conversation halting as well when they saw the other three on the stairs.

Even stranger, Kreature was smiling.

"Uhm, do you want some ibuprofen?"

Solace of Slytherin; a grandson of Voldemort StoryWhere stories live. Discover now