From The Moon's Eyes

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AN: announcement! Solace of Slytherin is now available on Archive of Our Own, I'll still be posting on Wattpad (because the auto save feature here is convenient as hell). Anyways, here's something for the holidays!

The train was different to Luna this year. The shadows of it longer with the sharp sunlight for a September, the red metal looking more scarlet than ruby, jagged despite still having the same exterior as last year. Luna appreciated the new look as she hopped on, following the shadows to her usual car, thrilled to see it even reached her usual car with Ginny.

"The shadows are where things that are hidden hide, unless they like hiding in plain sight" she chimed as she saw three new people in the car, she squeezed through their bodies and the quakspurts they seemed to bring in, but she wasn't one to pry into a person's life unless it could be funny.

"You guys bring a lot of quakspurts," she simply noted, and left it at that while feeling a sudden weight to her left side.

"Luna! You're finally here! The train was almost leaving!" Ginny nearly shouted in her ear. Her hands especially sweaty today and her magic trembling just beneath her skin, hyped up on sugar or adrenaline, Luna didn't know, and she didn't particularly care. The train ride continued with a stilted sort of silence, save for the sound of the train tracks and the tappings of the three new strangers on various surfaces, but it made for great background noise as she opened up her copy of the quibbler and snapped her glasses in place.

"What's that?" Someone asked, and she looked up to the curious eyes of the other girl in the car. With eyes like molten gold, veins with hypnotic rainbow oil dripping through all her jagged bones like it was turning to bismuth crystal, skin living and breathing and dead that Luna expects to see plants to sprout out and wither in a span of seconds just looking at it-

"Luna?" A voice calls out, snapping Luna out of her stupor to feel Ginny's hands on her forearms, her grip strong enough to feel like it would bruise. But Ginny wasn't surrounded by Malebranche, her brows were crunched up in worry, not fury. She wasn't hurting her because she hated her, it was because she was worried.

So instead of ripping her arms away, she smiled. "Arms, please," she said, and her request was granted, giving the circulation time to circle back and waving off Ginny's apology. Turning to look at the new people and seeing their curiosity and caution spark. Luna took off her glasses.

"These are called Spectrespecs, these ones my dad bought them for me so I could see Wackspurts," at this she paused, taking in their reactions which only seemed enraptured by her answers, a giddy feeling bubbling up inside her. "They're little creatures that fly into your ears and make your head fuzzy, but sometimes I can see other things with the Spectrespecs too."

A pale boy, so curiously pale that Luna decided to put her Spectrespecs back on, only to see his face turn skeletal and haunting, with something warm dripping through his nervous system, like blood trying to wash away the faint glitter that clings to him. All of it twining round dusty bones. Round the femur and pelvis, rib cage and arm socket, to his opened jaw and-

"What else do they let you see?" He asked, and Luna startled once more before happily responding. "Oh, all kinds of things! Since it was meant to catch Wackspurts while they're camouflaged, a lot of illusion charms are made useless with it on! Like the moving pictures and charms in newspapers stop moving entirely! Which helps with my headache every time I look at them. I can't even see ghosts with them on, imagine the implications of that!" She chattered, unable to stop herself. "I tried running through the platform with the glasses on, and you wouldn't believe how complex the spell was for the train station to be at the same area as the train station, but not disturb any of the people in the muggle side! It's like it goes below and above the station while being in it at the same time! Which I understand to be physically impossible!"

Solace of Slytherin; a grandson of Voldemort StoryWhere stories live. Discover now