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As Jaz trudged through mud into the woods, many thoughts were racing through his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about this champion and how he was gonna destroy Jaz, he didn't like that idea.
"Jaz, watch out!" Karli yelled as Jaz almost walked into a man.
He was very muscular and had jet black hair that was gelled up so it looked more manly. He looked Mexican and had dark eyes and a dagger strapped to his arm.
"Hello Jaz, nice to finally meet you." He said as he shook Jaz's hand with an iron grip. "I am Wilkin." To Jaz the name didn't fit him but he didn't dare call that out, this was not a guy Jaz wanted to pick a fight with.
"What do you want?" Jaz said letting go of his hand.
"Wanting to get to the subject already?" Wilkin laughed." Well then, we better sit down and talk this is important.
When Barg made a table and chairs they sat down and began talking.
"I am here to offer you a deal, if you give me one of your people as captives me and Cyron will call off our attacks."
"I knew it!" Jaz yelled stabbing his dagger into the table, "you work for Cyron, so then you must be his champion!"
"Jaz," Wilkin said "you need not state the obvious, now I guess I'll take you." He said as pointed to Karli.
"Hold your horses pal!" Karli said as she pushed Jaz out of the chair and sat down. "I'm not anyone's slave so get lost!"
"Calm down sweetie," he said obviously trying to impress her. "You don't have a choice."
"Yes I do, so you can leave, NOW!" She screamed.
Now it was apparent that he was angry. He stood up and picked up his dagger. Karli saw this coming so she loaded an arrow.
"Don't, please don't." She begged but he threw it at her. She dove out of the way just in time, letting it fly behind her. When she stood back up he caught her off guard, wrapping his arm around her choking her, but Karli was tough. She stomped on his foot making him let go of her. She noched an arrow and let it fly. It landed between Wilkin's feet and Jaz thought it was just a bad shot but the arrow sparked blue electricity and blew up, sending him flying back. The rest of the beings got the hint and started chasing after him, whipping him with vines and shooting beams of water at him.
"At least we already stopped the champion." Jaz said with hope in his voice.
"No," Karli said tucking her carmel hair behind her ear."He just declared war."

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