The calm before the storm

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Sorry it took a while, I wasn't sure how to start the story.

I hope you enjoy the first chapter of book 2!


It was a peaceful day in Rivendell, the sun was shining through the window of the elf's house, giving little warmth due to the constant winter they seemed to be having. Even in the summer Rivendell managed to stay at freezing temperatures.

Jimmy huddled into Scott for warmth as they sat on the couch in each other's company. Ever since Scott had saved the blonde from his brother he hadn't wanted to leave Jimmy's side in fear of what might happen while he was gone. Jimmy had been staying in Rivendell for the time being until the demon was dealt with.

Moments later Scott's dad came over to the couch, slight worry on his face. "Scott, have you heard from your brother? He's been missing for quite a while now."

Scott and Jimmy gave each other a worried look. They still hadn't told anyone about the whole Xornoth being corrupted situation, Scott was scared of what might happen if his parents knew. They might not believe him. They might keep him and Jimmy locked up inside the house forever. Who knew.

The elf turned back to face his dad allowing a calm look to overtake his expression. "Oh, he mentioned something about visiting some other Empires for something? I think." Scott tried his best to cover but what could his brother possibly need to leave Rivendell for? He would just have to hope his dad bought the obvious lie.

He eyed Scott suspiciously for a second before nodding. "Let me know when he comes back." He turned to leave the room but stopped as if he remembered something. "Oh, and Scott?"


"Be ready, we have a ceremony to attend to later this evening. Jimmy, I have informed your parents that you will be arriving with us."

The boys nodded as Scott's dad left the room.

Jimmy turned to Scott in panic. "Now what? If Xornoth never comes home your dad's going to get suspicious."

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out." Scott lowered his voice to a low whisper so the blonde couldn't hear. "I hope..."


Jimmy sat on Scott's bed watching as the elf rummaged through his drawer looking for clothes to wear. "Scott, the first outfit was fine." The blonde was slowly growing bored of waiting for Scott's indecisive mind to choose an outfit, he had been waiting for over twenty minutes already.

"We're going to a wedding, Jimmy! I have to look my best!" Scott grabbed another shirt, examined it for a second, then threw it behind him. All of the clothes were slowly creating a pile on the floor.

Jimmy got up from the bed and walked over to the pile, looking through it. He picked out a white shirt, gold tie, cyan blazer and light blue pants. He got up and walked over to Scott who was still frantically pulling out clothes from his drawer. The blonde held out the clothes for Scott. "Here."

Scott stopped and looked over at him, glancing down at the outfit. A smile eventually made its way onto the elf's face as he graciously took the clothes from Jimmy. "Thanks."

There was a knock at the door before it slowly opened to reveal the King. "Is Xornoth back yet? We need to leave soon."

Scott shook his head, feeling guilty for not telling his dad what had happened.

"He'll have to meet us there." The King left, closing the door behind him.

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