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An evil laugh rang out through the empty void. "They think they can defeat me? How foolish of them. I'm always one step ahead of you, brother. One step closer to ruling over all the Kingdoms. They'll never stop me!"


"Dad please!" Scott trailed after the King as he walked through the Kingdom, shouting orders.

"My decision is final. No one is to leave the Kingdom, no one is to enter, Rivendell is officially on lockdown." As they passed a guard, the King turned his attention on them. "Make sure no one gets in or out." The guard nodded before heading off towards the boarder of their Kingdom.

Scott turned away, heading back to the house. All hope was lost, he knew his dad was never going to change his mind. Scott knew this lockdown plan was only going to end in disaster, if his brother could appear and disappear at will then there was no stopping him, the King had just locked them all in a smaller space with the threat.

He opened the door and was immediately greeted by the blonde. "Well? What did he say?"

Scott sighed, heading over to the couch with Jimmy following behind. "We're all doomed." He sat on the couch, his head down.

Jimmy just stood in front of him, staring in shock. Scott had never given up that easily before. "You're just giving up?"

Scott looked up, feeling defeated. "What else can we do? We have no idea where Xornoth is. We're in lockdown. All we can do is wait for him to show himself and hope we can defeat him."

"We can prepare. Make sure we're ready. I never thought I'd be the one to convince you, Prince Scott of Rivendell, to not give up. You've never given up before, don't start now. Your family needs you, the people of Rivendell need you, I need you, Scott."

A determined look suddenly crossed the cyanette's face. "You're right." He stood up from the couch and began walking to the door, Jimmy followed, confused. "we can't sit around doing nothing, he could show up at any moment, we need to be ready."


"Xornoth!" Scott stood atop a snowy hill behind his house, Jimmy had opted to stay inside, both of them deciding it was safer since he had been taken once before.

Scott's voice faded off into the distance as the wind blew all around him. His only idea at that moment was to shout his brother's name uselessly, hoping he would show himself, but he doubted it.


"You called, brother?"

The sudden voice made Scott jump as he quickly spun around to see his brother standing menacingly in front of him. He quickly composed himself once again before starting to talk. "Yes, thanks to you we're now on lockdown."

"And that's my fault how exactly?" Xornoth crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Our parents know you've been corrupted and have now prevented anyone from coming or going, it doesn't even stop you!"

Xornoth rolled his eyes. "If you're done with your ranting, I have more important things to do right now, like taking over Rivendell." He started walking towards the buildings but immediately came to a stop when an ice spike grew from the ground right in front of him, stopping at his height.

"Do not even take one step into Rivendell or else." Scott was staring daggers at the Demon.

Xornoth just laughed, turning around to face Scott. "Are you threatening me?"


"You think that'll stop me?" He said as he vanished, his voice fading away.

His panic immediately rose. He feared the worst. His heartbeat quickened as he ran towards his house, his speed increasing until he was sprinting as fast as he could. He barged through the closed doors and immediately scanned the room. "Jimmy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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