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   Senju are cleaning the cafe that she owns that located at Roppongi. It 4 am and she need to open her cafe at 6 am. She put a song so she won't get bored while cleaning, suddenly someone burst open the door in a rush and run inside while panting.

"Senju! Why didn't you woke me up?!" Rina, Senju's right hand woman ask half yell at her. Senju just shrug her shoulder then continue cleaning, ignoring the female. A veins unconsciously pop on Rina's forehead as she sigh and went to the kitchen.

After a hour cleaning the cafe, Rizka and Kim who has been work at here ever since Senju open the cafe came a bit later after Rina came, start helping both of them. Alex a new worker who come at work at 5 start working instantly. While both Rina and Senju take a rest in Senju's office and eat breakfast that Kim make for them.

"So.. Do you find anything?" Senju ask Rina who was busy eating her dorayaki. "Hm?" Rina look up with her cheek full, she look like squirrel that make Senju laugh "WTH?! You look so ugly!" Rina grab a book and start hitting Senju who still laughing.

"Ow ow ok I'm sorry *pfft*"  Senju raise her hand in defeat while let out a small giggle. Rina glare at Senju before gulp the food that inside her mouth and grab her tablet. "Tch.. You so annoying.. Anyway yes, I do find something.. really interesting.. Kinda" she said before pass the tablet to Senju.

Senju take the tablet and look at the information "So.. Basically Mr. Akashi start to spread the news about you who gone 'missing' and offer 1M to whoever that found you and bring you to him " Senju frown before give the tablet back to Rina. "What does he want from me? He literally broke the promise! Now more people will start chase after me.. But you also got mention ya know?"

Rina purse her lips in thin line and give Senju a blank stare "I know.. Geez no need to tell me something obvious. He looking for you to make you marry with that jerk while me? Literally looking for me to kill me" Senju blink a few time before nod her head slowly "You're right.." both of them start nodding together in sync while chanting 'You're right'.

"Ugh, whatever it's almost 6 let get back to work now and told Kim to open the cafe right now."  Senju said while standing up and walk with Rina follow her closely from behind. "Wait! Your contact lens" Rina pass the lens for her to wear it. 'Senju change, she became more mature and prettier..i can't believe it the first time i saw her, she look so innocent and childish..' Rina tought as she staring at Senju who was wearing her lens while smiling softly.

Senju have gotten taller a bit and her body is more buff but she always wear a baggy clothes. She dyed her hair which has gotten longer into white and a slight blue streak and wear a sky blue contact lens. Rina is 30 years old woman and have a white hair with light purple streak and have a shoulder length hair with dark purple eyes and a slightly buff body but love to wear jacket and baggy clothes.

"I'm done! Let's go!" Senju said while walk out of the office with Rina followed her step. Senju maybe look different on the first glance but if you look at her long enough you will recognise her.

--Meanwhile at Bonten HQ--

"SANZUUUU YOU MOTHERTRUCKER!" "UWAHHHHH" "Shhhhh Riki.. Don't cry.. Uncle Kaku here.. Pls stop crying" "SHUT UP YOU BOTH THE BABY IS CRYING GODDAMMIT"

Chaos.. Just a pure chaos at the hq with Rindou who chasing Sanzu around while Takeomi yelling at both of them to stop. Ran and Kakucho who trying to calm the crying child, Riki. Out of nowhere, Koko open the door and walk in with Mikey and Mochi behind him and see the mess that unfold in front of them.

"What happened here?" Koko said that grab all of their attention as they stop whatever they doing and look at the three males who glaring at all of them while Kakucho still try to make Riki to stop crying. "Ahh.. You guys back.. Hahaha.." Sanzu scratch his head while smiling like an idiot.

Mikey walk toward Kakucho who holding a crying Riki. "What happened.. Why is she crying?" Mikey ask Kakucho while take Riki in his arm and Riki instantly stop crying after she see Mikey. Kakucho sigh before looking at Sanzu "Well.." Sanzu widen his eyes while pleading Kakucho to not tell Mikey with his eyes but Kakucho ignore it and look at Mikey once again.

"Sanzu was scaring Riki and then start offering her drugs and let her playing with gun. She accidentally pull the trigger and the loud sound scares her. Luckily no one got hurt when she fired it" Mikey look at Sanzu with a death glare while Koko judging him like there no tomorrow. "Sanzu.. Meet me in the office later.." Sanzu gulp before nodding his head and Mikey walk toward his room with Riki who fall asleep in his arms.

"I can't believe that I'm working with a total idiot. Just what the hell are you thinking?" Koko said with his arm cross against chest while look at Sanzu upside down before smirking. "Your salary.. U maybe won't get it.. HAHAHA" Koko walking while laughing as Sanzu standing there defeat since he know he make a big mistake but who can blame him when he literally high that time.

Well everyone blame him actually, who the hell went high when there kids around? Well Sanzu did. Takeomi walk behind Sanzu and smack his head "You deserve that brat" Sanzu glare at Takeomi who lit up his cigarette while rubbing the spot where he got hit. "Oh shut you old man, you also smoking while Riki is around" "No i didn't" "Yes you did fucker" "Even if i did, at least i know to not give the child a fucking GUN?!"

Sanzu then start to attack Takeomi with pulling on his hair make Takeomi scream in pain before pulling Sanzu hair back. Kakucho and Mochi try to pull both of them from each other but got attack. Sanzu accidentally punch Mochi in the face when he try to punch Takeomi and Kakucho got slap by Takeomi twice. So all of them just watch the siblings pulling each other hair, kicking and punching while treating their wounds and eating chips.


"They're just so hopeless.." Rindou said while eating chips that Ran was holding. The other hums in agreement.

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