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    A sob can be heard is the dark and cold room

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    A sob can be heard is the dark and cold room. Senju was sitting on the floor beside her bed with her face on her knees. She gripped the photo in her hand tightly until it crumpled before throwing it somewhere. She continued to cry not mind if her door that open the close as she heard someone approaching her.

  Rina quietly approach the crying girl and sat beside her on the floor "Rina.. I miss my brothers.." Senju look at the older with tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. Rina softly pat her messy hair before pulling the younger into a hug. "Why did they have to leave me alone with father...? Don't they know that father is not what he seem?" Senju softly cries on Rina's shoulder while gripping her shirt tightly.

   Rina slowly pull away and cup the younger face before kiss her forehead. "Don't worry.. I will make sure you going to be free from this hell one day." Senju hiccup while touch the older hand that still on her face "You promise?" The older smiled softly before pulled her into hug once again. "I promise.." she sway their body while humming to a lullaby. After a while she heard a soft snore from the smaller girl that make her chuckle softly and pick her up before lay her down on the covering her with the blanket.

'It her first week in this mansion yet she already suffering.. Stay strong honey.. I will keep my promise and we will ran away from here..' Rina softly peck her forehead and went out from the room.

    "Hoi! What are you thinking!?" A loud voice snap Rina back to reality as she look beside her and see Senju and the twin Leo and Lyz. She smile softly shaking her head "Nothing.. Just worried about the gender of your baby maybe?" Lyz became flustered at Rina's remark and stand up to hit Rina's head but got hold back by Senju who chuckle while both Leo and Rina laughing their ass off.

   "Relax Lyz.. Or you will stress the baby" Senju tug the woman hand a bit to calm her down. Lyz huff before sit down again beside Senju and cross her hand above her big bump. "But seriously i can't wait.. Just another two months and boom! I will be an uncle" Leo said while drinking her twin sister who six months pregnant. Lyz slap the back of his head before snatch back her drink.

   "I feel like yesterday when you told us you getting married and now look at you! Soon. To. Be. Mother!" Rina wipe her imaginary tears while sniffling a bit make the soon to be mother look at her with disgust before looking at her own bump with a soft smile.

    "Well... Where is your husband?" Senju look around before look back the female beside her who eating ice cream. "Work" lyz answer shortly before continue eating her ice cream. "Awh.. I really want to meet him." Senju pout before went back her takoyaki. "Well.. Next time when I invite you to the wedding you should have come since my husband is kind of strict when inviting people and i can only invite close friends and family" Lyz immediately shove an egg tart inside her mouth once she said the last word. Senju whine hearing the sarcastic remark. "i was sick okay! and you know i got into an accident that time!"

   "Hmmm fine, i forgave you guys! but you guys have to make sure that both of you going to be beside me when i give birth" Lyz exclaimed pointing a fork at senju's face whie squinting her eyes "or else.. i will poke your eyes out!" Senju raise both of her hands in the air while chuckling "Yeah2 i promise to be there!" Lyz frown slowly turning into a smile as she satisfied with the answer. "Oh don't worry Senju if didn't go because i'm pretty sure she will never poke your eyes"

   Lyz eyes widen as she look at her twin before march toward him and strangled him while Senju trying to pull her away while laughing out loud. Rina who just watched the whole scene in front her smile softly then apologize to the rest of customers for the chaos that they make. "Glad that she free now.. even though no one know how long this freedom going to last but i will make sure it last until my last breath' her inner self said when the memories of Senju struggle to live, to make her own decisions, as her appearance was controlled by her own father and how she can't even talk without permission and can't even showed any emotions or she going to get punish. Rina heart suddenly feel with extreme rage when she remember the most painful one, one where senju was forced to married a total jerk.

   Rina hate that guy with all her heart. she should have just killed the man when she saved Senju back then but then Senju was dying so she have no choice but to save her. Rina's phone suddenly ring make all of them flinch as Rina quickly and bowed before walking out of the cafe once she saw the contact name. She immediately pick up the phone once she outside "Hello.. Rina" a small amd feminine voice can be heard from the other line.

"Dee.. What now?! I told you not to call me today unless it was something important" she pinch her bridge nose as she heard the low chuckle on the other side "Well i think i do have some important news to tell you and nope it can't be wait any longer" Dee emphasis the words 'do' and 'important' make Rina roll her eyes slightly before sighing.

   "Okay then.. Go on. Tell me about the important news that you have when you damn well you still in your undercover mission right?" Dee know better than anyone to not call Rina especially when she in Mr. Akashi mansion to not get caught but she can't wait any longer.

  " Listen to me you better get rid of all the bodies thta you guys kill because that idiot is putting a tracking devices inside his men body.." Rina raise her eyebrow a bit "Then what the problem?"

"Why are you so stupid?" "Hey! I am not!"
"Yeah2, anyway as i was saying once you kill those men the tracking advice will turn on immediately when it can't detect any pulse. So make sure you didn't bring any of those corpse inside your house."
"That's disgusting whoever put corpse inside their house?"
"Jeffrey Dahmer did and many other killer too"

  Rina purse her lips before slowly nod her head letting out a small right. "Be alert Rina, some of the guys eyes have a camera.. I don't know how they did that.. But be careful, wear a glove, mask and make sure you didn't reveal your face anymore.. Because he now detect the location you are in.. And most of his men are there.."

  Rina grip on the phone became tighter hearing that "
I will.. Thank you for the info Dee. " Rina look at Senju with the twins who laughing happily trough the glass window." I will do as you said.. As long as it make jer safe and sound then.. I will follow your instructions."

  There silence between them before Dee speak with a firm voice. " You better be Rina.. Be alert of your surrounding and be prepared because Hirima will be there anytime" Rina nod her head before but didn't said anything and saying bye to each other before hung up.

  'This us bad.. Hirima.. That jerk will come here if we did even the slightest mistake killing those men.. And will take Senju away from me..' Rina touch her chest where it hurt when she think about Semju away from her. Senju is like a younger sister, a daughter, a friend and boss to her so she can't let her get hurt anymore.. That what she promise herself.. To prtect Senju until her last breath.

NO! WHY KPM CHANGE THE DATES FOR MY EXAM?! I WAS SUPPOSE TO TAKE THE EXAM ON JAN NOT DEC! TvT i will be more busy with the study since i will start exam next month.. 😭😭 Btw no proof read i was rushing..

Bye2 darling~❤️

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