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    Heavy breathing can be heard on the pitch black alley

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    Heavy breathing can be heard on the pitch black alley. Senju head was pounding hard make her fall on her knees. She so weak right now, to the point she can't even stand straight without falling over but the heavy footsteps behind make her have a bit strength to get up and walk slowly.

    The footsteps is getting near but Senju can't go any faster. She was out of breath, so she give up and slide down the wall while staring at the empty alleyway since that where the footsteps come from. She clutch her stomach which won't stop bleeding as she take out a pocket knife from her boots and holding it with all her strength. Blood was slowly running down from her head into her mouth and chin as Senju stand up slowly.

     Once she stand straight, she take a deep breath while listening to the footsteps that getting nearer. Her blood that mix with her sweat make a contact with the wet floor the same time as the men finally reach her. All of them have a weapon on them that was point at her, gun and knife especially.

   Senju walk up a bit far away from the wall and just stand there waiting for them to make the first move. When the leap toward her while swinging their weapon blindly at her, she dodge all of them and without throwing any punches nor kicks, she slide behind them and slit their throat using the knife. She was slower than usually but that doesn't mean she was slower then these men. Infact she still a bit faster than them, Senju dodge every bullet and swinging of weapon before slit their throat, stomach and stab their heart area which send them straight to hell.

   Once she done, she let go of the knife that cover with the blood and fall into her knees while holding her stomach. She kneeling at the center of corpses as she look at her hands. "If before i only hit until they can't move or until the have to go to the emergency room.. I never kill any of them.. So how? How did this happened? When did i starts killing people? I don't even know myself.."

    She stops as she heard  a chuckle and black shoes in front of her. She whipped her head upwards and see the man that she was suppose to marry. He crouched in front her before grab her chin harshly and point the gun at her nape. She was shaking with her eyes wide open and fear was clearly show in them. "That's.. Why honey you have to marry me because no one going to a killer wife like you unlike me.. Okay?" Senju shook her head quickly ignore the her pounding head as tears fall down her bloody face. The answer make the man mad as he hit her head with the back of gun and slaps her twice while laughing.

Senju hit the ground as she slowly fall unconscious and the last things she heard was a loud groan and a loud thud. And the last person she saw is Rina who stand infront of her protectively as she beating that man into pulp before gently pick Senju up and ran away from there. Her steps were light and Senju didn't even bounce when she was carried so she let her guard down and fall unconscious in her arm.

    "SENJU! WAKE UP!" Rina violently shake her body to wake her who was shaking and panting in her sleep. Senju sit up quickly while gasping for air, she wipe her sweat and take the water that Rina gave her. "Hey.. You okay? I guess you have another nightmare, hm?" Rina hug her, swaying their body slowly while humming softly. Senju return the hug and grip her clothes tightly "I have.. A nightmare"

   Rina heart broke when she heard that "The same nightmare?" Rina ask before kiss her head and stroke her hair. Senju shook her head "No.. It was different" her voice cracked as she wipe her tears "Wanna talk about it honey?" Senju shooke her head "Then.. Do you want to go back to sleep?" Senju shook her head once again. "It's 6am maybe you want to take a stroll? Then you can go to sleep again since today is our day off"

   Senju look outside for a second before nod her head, Rina smiled softly and pat her head before stand up "Well better get ready, or i will leave you behind" Rina wink at Senju before close the door softly as Senju nod her head with a soft smile. She stand up and walk slowly toward the bathroom to take a quick shower.

×××After A Few Minutes×××

  "SENJUUUUUU!" Senju hurriedly jog down the stairs and quickly wear her shoes before stand up and nod at the older who waiting for her. Rina open the door and let Senju walk out first before herself, once she done locking the house, the start walking side by side while talking. Both of them in their usual disguise when they went out in public being cautious on their surrounding.

    What they didn't realise is someone. No, a group of very familiar males walk past the without them realizing since they too focus talking to each other. But a few of the males stop walking and look back at the two girls who keep walking without looking back. "Oi Sanzu! Omi! Hurry up!" the two males quickly jog toward the rest while exchange look.

    "What the hell is wrong with you guys?" Rindou ask with his bored eyes looking at them side eyes. "I think I'm high.. I swear I just saw her" Ran raise one eyebrow toward the guy who still held shock expressions. "Huh? Did you secretly do drug before went out?" Sanzu shook his head "No.. I don't think you're high because im sure I also saw her.. Or am i also high?" Takeomi said while scratch his head.

   "Gosh, what an idiot.. Mikey why do you take them again?" Mochi face palm himself before sighing loudly and walk faster to catch up with Mikey who already reach their destination along with Koko. "Let's hurry you idiots or else Mikey seriously gonna shove Riki's bubble gun down your throat." Ran said catching up with other with Rindou.

   Kakucho pat them on the shoulder before walking past them. "Ugh, it's probably nothing.. Let's go Haru" Takeomi jog to the other before looking back and told Sanzu to hurry. "But im pretty sure I'm not high.. Why i suddenly i saw her? And what is this feelings?" Sanzu hold his chest while looking at where the two girls walk before. He sigh and shout at Takeomi to shut up before running toward him and kick him.

"AW YOU FUCKER IT'S HURT!" Sanzu smirk "Serve you right old man" he quickly run inseide the building before Takeomi kick him back.


I'm sorry for the late update.. I've been busy with work and school.. TvT anyway i hope you enjoy.. I didn't proof read btw so sorry for the spelling mistake - 3-

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