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   It was a normal day for Senju. KEYWORD: WAS. Unfortunately, fate got bored and create a unexplainable and unexpected accident. Senju feel like shit, she just want to dig a hole and went inside it. She just keep staring at the pink mullet guy who was laughing with another mullet guy but his hair is purple.

   That guy was wearing a mask when he order food at the counter a few minutes ago. His eyes seem too familiar for her, she know and she was sure that those emerald colour eyes belong to her brother.

    She was so sure to the point that she ask him "Are you perhaps.. Sanzu Haruchiyo?" The guys tense but it almost unnoticeable, his hand that reaching his money to pay freeze instantly. "Huh?" his voice still the same and it definitely her brother. Senju have a soft smile before shaking his head "Nothing.." as she about grab the money from his hand, he pull it away.

    "How the fuck you know my name?" he lean closer to Senju, whispering so no one will hear and also attempt to scare the girl in front of him with his cold glare. Senju didn't flinch nor panic, instead she chuckle lowly lean in to whisper beside his ear "Well.. I guess you already forgot about your little sister isn't?"

    She move back and bow to him before grab the money in his hand while the man still froze with his eyes blown wide "Thank you for coming! I hope you come again next time" she push her brother outside to his purple mullet friend who his back is facing both of them. Sanzu snap out of his thought before turning around just to see that the door is already close.

   Senju quickly went inside and walk inside the staff room. She close the door before lean on it, "Congrats Senju.. I thought you want to meet your brother but instead you push him away" she chuckle and fanned her face while looking up to avoid the tears from falling.

    She slowly walk toward her bag and take out a pendant , it was a gift from his oldest brother, Takeomi for her before leaving her alone. She open the clock shape pendant to see her picture along with his brother when all of them are still close. She smile and cares it softly before wearing the pendant.

    "On second thought.. I might get kill by my own brother. Gosh Senju your so damn stupid." she sigh and hide her face in her hand "Approaching you brother while wearing your disguise, no wonder he so shock.. But hmmm what if i approach him without my disguise?"

   "Meh, let's see if he come tomorrow i guess" Senju quickly stand up and walk back outside. When she about to grab the broom beside the door, someone grab her harshly by her wrist and hit her on the head, hard. The last thing she saw is a guy with turquoise colour suit holding a gun.


   "So you telling me that the cashier girl know your name?" Rindou ask while driving toward their house. "Yes.. And that not just that.. The fact that she didn't even flinch when i try to scare her.." Sanzu look outside "Make you think that he somehow relate to gang shit like us?" Sanzu just shrug his shoulder not really answering Rindou question.

   "Oh! She look awfully familiar too!" Sanzu exclaim while clap his hands once "She look.. Uh.. Look like.." Sanzu cross his while blinking for a few time trying to remember where he have seen her face before.

   "Look like who?" Rindou ask before stopping a the red light. "Senju-" Sanzu froze when he remember something. "Well.. I guess you already forgot about your little sister isn't?" 

   "Senju? Your sister- HEY ARE YOU CRAZY?!" the car sway when Sanzu suddenly pull Rindou by his arm. "LET GO OF ME OR WE GONNA CRASH YOU IDIOT!" Sanzu immediately let go of him whan he realize what he doing.
     Rindou huff and fix his suit with one hand as the other hand still holding the steering "What the fuck is wrong with you? You almost get us kill and tear my suit!" Rindou stop once again at the red light and look at Sanzu.

   "AHH!" Rindou immediately push Sanzu who's face awfully close to him. "Ok now for real wtf is wrong with you?!" Sanzu sigh before sit back to his place after Rindou start driving. "I just remember something... And yeah she look so much like my sister. Wait!" Sanzu once grab Rindou but this time didn't pull him.

     "What?! Quit scaring me idiot!" even though Sanzu didn't pull him this time he still flinch as the car sway just a little bit.

   "Yeah² whatever, anyway is Takeomi done with his meeting right now?" Sanzu cross his arms while rolling his eyes. "Don't give me that attitude of yours, I'm not Takeomi to deal with that and yeah he's done i guess"

   Sanzu take out his phone and tap Takeomi contact. "Hey old man" A yell can be heard from the other line as Sanzu pull his phone away from his ear. "Chill, i just wanna ask something." Sanzu bring his phone back to his ear when Takeomi done yelling at him. "What is it now?" Takeomi huff "What the percentage that Senju going back at Japan?" Takeomi frown at his question "Why? And i think probably 50 to 60 percent" Sanzu nod his head even though Takeomi can't see it.

    "I think i just meet her.. But she look different? I don't know" Rindou keep glancing at Sanzu as he driving. "What do you mean different? And where did you find her?" Sanzu sigh before change the phine to different ear. "Well.. Her hair is white? With blue streak and her eyes is blue? Wasn't id suppose to be green like mine?" A sigh can be heard on the line along with Rindou mutter 'Are you kidding me? How stupid can you be?' that result receiving a death glare from Sanzu.

  "Oh my god Sanzu.. She maybe dyed her hair like Rin and Ran and she also maybe wear a lense" Sanzu lips form to 'o' shape hear Takeomi explanation before turning into a pout. "Well it doesn't matter.. Do you want to meet her?" Takeomi replay with 'sure' before Sanzu end the call.

   "All right fucker, go back to that cafe now." Sanzu cross his arms while look at Rindou, who give him a judging eyes "Bitch, your lucky I'm still driving." Rindou eyes twitch when he heard what Sanzu said after. "Don't care, just go back we gotta do some kidnapping.. maybe.. Anyway just listen to me! You're my driver for today"

   Rindou really want to just drive straight untill fall from the hill but he didn't want to die yet. He just do as he said "Fuck you and this stupid dare" Sanzu clearly hear it even though it just a mumbling. He still thinking on how to get his sister cime with him.


"Fuck Rindou.. Are we too late?"
"Shit.. There so many blood.."
"Huh? Why you guys here?"

"Sanzu! Where is she?!"
"How am i suppose to know?!"
"Be quite"
"Sorry boss"


"Tell me.. Is it you guys that took my boss away?"
"Who tf is your boss?!"
"Kawaragi Senju is my boss.. TELL ME WHERE IS SHE?!"



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