Chapter 15, Is This Love?

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Derran stared at the shelves of books, old and new, before him with an air of faint reverence. Knowledge in all its forms held power, or so he believed. And to him the weight of that power was often palpable in any place dedicated to the storage, or creation, of the written word. The spiced smell of old paper and cedar seemed almost bewitching, as Derran traced his fingers across the spines of the books before him.

"The Art of Ancient Saddle Arabia? No, surely lady Twilight has already read it. Everlasting Eternity of the Immortal Lovelorn Heart? Surely not. Musings of a Horseshoe Salespony?" Idly, Derran flipped through the first few pages of the final book before shaking his head. Normally he would dissuade anypony from judging a book based on the cover, but this last book was just as boring and tedious as the title implied, and Derran reflected that regardless of how gifted the author may have been at selling horseshoes, his literary talents fell short to the point of being embarrassing. "This, may be a bit more difficult than I originally had anticipated."

Glancing between the meticulously organized shelves, Derran noted the mare on whom his thoughts dwelled. She was sitting a short distance away in an overstuffed purple armchair and reading to her niece from a picture book titled The Adventures of Sorel the Mage. Usually Derran would have simply noted that the pair were safe and happy before resuming his search. But this time-- for a reason he could not have defined-- he felt compelled to keep his gaze firmly on the two alicorns.

"GRRR! Said the bugbear queen to Sorel," Twilight read aloud. "'I WILL EAT YOU ALL UP!' But Sorel was very brave, as she knew she needed the honey from the bugbear hive to save the village. Still, how could she know what spell to use on such a powerful foe?" Derran watched as Flurry Heart smiled and pointed her hoof at something in the book from her position in Twilight's lap.

"That's right sweetie, Sorel chose the webbing spell to tangle up the bugbear Queen's wings and legs. What a smart little foal you are! You really do take after your auntie Twilight don't you?" she stated proudly, as she gave Flurry an affectionate nuzzle, causing her to giggle happily.

Derran smiled at the exchange, continuing to watch and listen as Twilight concluded the story. "And so, Sorel headed back to the village with as much of the honey as she could carry, curing the townsponies of the shadow pox. They all had a big feast to celebrate, sang songs and danced the night away. Finally, Sorel the Mage said her goodbyes, and headed down the road to her next adventure!"

Flurry laughed and clapped her hooves at the conclusion of the story, and Derran chuckled. Yet even so, his eyes remained glued to Twilight. Derran couldn't have said precisely why he suddenly found Twilight so enrapturing, he only knew that something deep inside him was demanding he keep his gaze where it was. Derran only realized he'd been staring when the sound of somepony clearing her throat at his side brought him back to reality with an almost jarring abruptness. Erasing any sign of surprise from his features, Derran turned to regard the pony who had disturbed him with a polite smile.

The pony before him was rather. . . odd. She had a perfectly straight purple mane, with bangs as level as a knife edge, and a coat of slate grey. She wore a simple dress of viridian, its long neck folded outward, and held with a black belt at the waist. A pair of brown saddle bags marked with what looked like a rock hung across her back. However, it was her expression that drew one's attention. It was so neutral, it was almost like looking at a statue. Her mouth was a straight line that gave no hint of either a smile or frown. Her jade green, half-lidded eyes were devoid of emotion, and stared at Derran as if he wasn't even there. All in all, Derran had seen corpses more animate than this pony seemed to be.

"You're Derran Grandel, right,?" the pony asked in a deadpan monotone that sounded almost mechanical. Derran nodded.

"I am indeed, milady. Is there something I can help you with,?" he replied, wondering what business this strange pony could possibly have with him.

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