XIII: something bloody (part I)

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Ch. 13: Something Bloody (Part One)

Tai took a step away from Mara, daggers already in their hands and pointed at the newcomer. They lowered them at the same time Bernardo entered the training den.

With a tired huff, Mara faced the room again, her heart racing. Tai and Bernardo argued at her back. Something about rules and regulations, about maxims, about mentors, about Goddess, Taiguara, how can you be such an asshole? and I'm the asshole? Maybe if you were a real leader—

None of that mattered. Mara walked past them and left the empty den, her face carefully blank. She needed fresh air; whatever fresh air she could find in a damned cave. She blinked a few times to clear her sight and sighed. Breathe in. Breathe out. It's okay. This was only their first attempt. Breathe in.    Surely next time....

"Hey, you okay?" Tai asked in a low voice.

Mara's shoulder quivered as she breathed out. She schooled her expression and used all her might to shrug. "Yeah. But I kinda remember Mom being a little messier than that." She tried on a weak laugh but did so alone.

She looked around to find Bernardo and Tai staring at her, their argument forgotten.

"Uh. Maybe I have something that will cheer you up," Bernardo said, straightening his back. "I'm here to invite you to a grade X mission, and I think this one will be perfect for you. It will involve some of the most well-known Sents in the business and our best equipment—and it will be safe." Bernardo looked at her, and his smile softened. "What do you think? Are you ready to see what Sentinels really do and meet some of the best of them?"


"That's...almost it," Bernardo said. "Come here; let me help you. For this vest, Mirtes worked together with Director Elena. It protects the wearer from fires, either Arcane or common."

Mara hummed. She let Bernardo tighten the velcro of her bullet-proof vest and straighten the collar of her shirt. Obeying his silent command, she raised her chin and grimaced when he snapped the white, metallic band around her neck.

"And this?" she said, flicking a finger on the metal. The thing chimed like a Christmas bell, the sound thin and melodious.

Bernardo smiled. "Protection against vampires."


"It's more a precaution than anything, to be honest." He closed the clasp at the back of Mara's neck. "The SA Sents haven't seen a vampire in these lands since Count Fernácio disappeared around three centuries ago. Still, you know how it works. We have to follow protocol." Bernardo stepped towards the narrow table beside her bench and took one of the two remaining items on top of it. "Stay put."

Mara clenched her teeth and tried to calm her racing heart. Mirtes had said that only experienced Sents were chosen to grade X missions. She was definitely not experienced, and even if Bernardo had said this was a safe mission, why the hell were the Sents sending her? Better yet...why had she accepted the invitation?

"You know," Bernardo started. "When you entered that meeting room and told the First Ring you were staying, I could barely believe my ears. Mother was surprised too. We, uh." A huff. "Don't get me wrong, it's just...." Bernardo shrugged. "You were so adamant about going home. About being safe."

He sighed. "Here. Put on these glasses."

Mara took the massive goggles. "You really don't like the idea of having me here, huh?"

"On the contrary," he whispered. "But it's dangerous, Mara, and I thought you had realized that when you met Alessa."

She slid the glasses on. Mara didn't know what to answer—the truth was that she realized how dangerous this could be. Still, being here meant finding information about Mom, and she wasn't ready to give that up. Mara fidgeted with the goggle stripes and winced when her hair got stuck somewhere. These lenses were weird. Dark, thick, grainy. They removed the colors of whatever Mara gazed at, making everything look like an old Hollywood movie.

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