LII: Something Sad

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Ch. 52: Something Sad

Mara stood. The harsh sound of Mimi's voice was a jumbled mess in the back of her mind. Someone shouted in response, and the words sounded so hateful and sad, Mara could barely recognize them. On some surface level, Mara was aware of the sound of Mimi pulling her prosthetic to the floor, clasping it back in place, and giving someone the sermon of a lifetime. But with all the depth of herself—more than just eyes and ears, with her very core—she focused her attention on the person in front of her. Mara approached with small steps, slow movements, and trembling hands. Inch by inch, the form on the floor took shape, immovable and bloodied.

Tension built in her shoulders, her ears plugged, and a thin ringing started in her left ear. Another step. A face, closed eyes, a red trail running from the corner of half-opened lips.

Then, finally, softly, he breathed in. With a mix of eagerness and relief, Mara knelt down, ready to help him.

"He's alive," Mara said. With those words, all the sounds in the world came back.

"...believe you'd do this, Taiguara! Kill him!"

"Don't fucking care, Mirtes. You heard what he said to me. I'm tired of being blamed for that, and I'm tired of him ignoring everything he did to me! At least now I showed him who's the better fighter."

"That's not enough reason to leave him in this state, Taiguara."

"It's okay," Tai said, panting. "Even if he dies, he still has one life left. We're just in the same boat now."

"I said he's alive!" Mara repeated, raising her voice. The shouting stopped.

With a sigh and the distinct sensation of having two pairs of eyes pinned on her back, Mara splayed her hands around Bernardo and leaned down to feel his weak breathing. He creaked his pretty eyes open, and despite all the blood and bruises, he smiled.

"Hey," he mumbled.

"Hey yourself." Mara sat back on her legs, ignoring the mumbles at her back. "How are you feeling?"

"Not as bad as it looks—considering your face." Beh chuckled.

Tai didn't give them any time to talk. "I won, so we'll cast our vote on Elena."

"Wait, what?" Mara said.

"I won," Tai repeated, furious eyes now cast on Mara. "So, in this clownery of an election, Bernardo will stand in front of the whole HQ, and he'll cast our squad's vote on Elena."

Mara stood. Tai stared at her, stripped down to a baggy, faded tank top that let the corners of the twin scars on their chest show. Mara's heart tightened. This was the same tank top she'd seen in her memory—the one she and Tai kissed. She cleared her throat and averted her eyes. She tried to push the growing warmth in her face away, her anger as firm as a shield.

" this what this fight was about? All this violence—is this how you discuss politics?"

"Look," Tai said. "We had a vote. It was a tie. Mimi and I want to vote for Elena. Godo and Bernardo want Jano. We fought to—"

"Wait. What?" Mara growled. "You voted. As a squad. Without me?"

Mimi and Tai shared a glance. Anger bubbled up Mara's throat, her teeth pushing against their gums, her face heating up. She leaned forward, preparing to get up and face Tai properly, but one touch ended the onslaught taking shape inside her.

"Mara, wait." Beh groaned and grimaced, trying to sit up.

She turned around and cursed, hovering over him. Despite her admonishments to keep him lying down, Beh gripped her hands and used them as support to pick himself up. Beh looked at someone over Mara's shoulders, then cleared his throat, averted his eyes, and said in a low voice,

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