I'll protect her with my life

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Adam's: POV


October 31th 2008: New York

"It hurts so much." I whimpered. "I can see her head." said Oliver calmly. "I hate you for this." I replied coldly. "Love you too." he said softly. Then I heard a baby cry and he lay down our daugher in my arms. "She's so beautiful." I said and stroked her cheek. "Our Emily." replied Oliver.

(Emily Lorraine Warren)

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(Emily Lorraine Warren)

Just then cut a lighting the sky and the thunder rumbled. I looked panicked at Emily, but she was calm. She didn't cry or scream. She was sleeping peacefully in my arms. How could Emily be so calm during a violent storm?

"We love you so much and we will always do." I said and she giggled softly. Oliver kissed my lips and I smiled. "Get some rest now, you need it." he said and I nodded. He lay down Emily in her crib and went down to the kitchen. I fell asleep with a happy smile on my face.


My parents and my sister visited us two days later. Tiffany had also given birth to her twins on Halloween. Their names was Glenda and Glen. They were sleeping in their stroller.

"Oh my god, Emily is so beautiful." said Tiffany. "She look just like you." replied mom and dad. "Thank you." I said. "You'll be a wonderful dad to her." replied Tiff. "I'll protect her with my life." I said. "Emily, Glenda and Glen will be best friends." she replied. "They'll have so much fun together." I said. "I'm so happy." replied Tiffany. I gave my sister a hug and she smiled happily. "Thank you for being the best brother ever." she said. "Thank you for being the best sister ever." I replied.

-End of the flashback-

I love Tiffany's reaction when she saw her niece

I hope you liked the chapter


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