Chapter 2

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Alrighty back at it again. Sorry it took long.

"I'm sorry, be your successor?"

Aruto Hiden, president of Hiden Intelligence, was smiling and chuckled at the shocked look on Kagura's face. "You must be thinking how is that possible correct?" Not knowing how to answer, the middle schooler just nodded his head and sat down. Aruto and Izu sat down as well and began to explain. "You see, the media has portrayed that Kamen Riders have either died off or retired and we're never seen again. In reality they're still out there." The student couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, still out there? They can't be, majority of the Heisei gen riders have either passed away or are too old to continue fighting crime. Reiwa fighters on the other hand, Zero-One retired a few years ago and Saber just retired just a couple months ago. Revi and Vice are still out there kicking. "The thing is almost every single one of us has passed down the mantle to a worthy successor. Agito and Kiva for example are fighting over far north of Japan, the first Agito had a son, then that son had a son and then you can take it from there and boom out came the son who is now a vigilante. Kiva on the other hand, I'm not sure who the successor is." Kagura put his hand over his chin as he took in the information, it made sense. It's like when All Might offered his quirk to him, Kamen Riders can pass down their drivers. The problem is how can Kagura explain that he already became the successor of the number 1 pro?

Kagura looked over at his parents, "mom, dad, would it be okay if I spoke about something with Mr. Hiden privatly?" The parents, agreed and decided to prepare dinner. "President Aruto, Izu, would you two like to stay for dinner? We would very much appreciate it as you'll help our son become a hero." Aruto agreed and waited for the two to leave before looking over to Kagura with a calm look. Kagura gulped, finally having the courage to confess. "I would love to accept your offer, since childhood I've always dreamt of becoming a Kamen Rider, a dream I thought was out of reach because I've never thought that they can pass down the mantle. As much as I would accept your offer, I've already became a successor to someone else." Intrigued, Aruto decided to let curiosity roam around his head and ask questions. "Well I don't see the problem, you could still take up my mantle, but who is the person you became a successor to?"

"'s All Might." Three dots appeared next to Aruto, processing the answer and laughed while heartedly. "Well that's surprising, who knew the number 1 pro wanted a successor as well." He sighs, but then came up with an idea. "I think I can come up with a solution. How about this, I want you and All Might to meet me at my company. I'll have Izu wait for you out front, I believe I have something that can benefit all of us."

(Tomorrow morning)
"He's a little late, I hope he didn't have second thoughts about this..." As he was thinking, he heard footsteps and heavy breathing. He looked behind him to see Kagura bent down, with his hands on his knees. "Sorry All Might, I'm not use to waking up this early, nor running so hard." The pro hero chuckled lightly and put a hand on the kid's shoulder. "It's quite alright young...I never got your name. Probably should have asked before." Kagura smiled, "No worries, I'm Kagura Komuro." The two walked together on the sidewalk, having a small conversation. Kagura tried to muster the courage to tell All Might about yesterday. He was going to say something until they arrived to what looks like a junk yard. Kagura looked over at All Might with a dead look in his eyes. "You said dagobah beach." All Might retorted back, "This is a beach! This will be your training!" For the most part it still had sand, but you could barely see the ocean. Kagura couldn't help but give the pro hero a confused look. All Might walked past him and transformed to his buff form. "This use to be a beautiful beach, over time the ocean would bring in junk and it ended up being piled up into a small hill. Next thing you know people thought it would be ok to dump anything they don't need anymore. Being a hero isn't just about fighting crime, true heroes are those that do voluntary work! That's why you!" All might pointed at Kagura, "you will have until the first day of U.A to finish removing the garbage from this garbage and restore it back to its former glory!" Kagura scratched his head, looking doubtful, I mean anyone would have doubts about getting this amount of trash off the beach. "I guess I can understand that part but what does this have to do with having your quirk?" All might put him hand on top of a fridge and looked at the middle schooler, "for starters your body isn't ready to handle the power of my quirk. If I gave it to you now your limbs would explode upon using it." Kagura couldn't help but imagine it and his spine turned cold. "Yeah no problem, I got this." This was going to take him months, there's tires, fridges, stoves, a couple of abandoned cars. Just when he was going to get started, he almost forgot what he wanted to discuss. With a big gulp, he turned around to face All Might about his discussion with Aruto Hiden.

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