Chapter 9

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Yeah we're definitely splitting this into three parts, probably four. Possibly five! Who knows!

After that fiasco with Tetsutetsu and Kirishima, Bakugo and Ochaco were next. The explosion boy ended up winning via Ochaco passing out from exhaustion which concluded the first batch of eliminations. Before they can announce who fights who, the students were given a break to eat and replenish their energy. Kagura was going to grab some food until Todoroki walked over to him and asked the successor to walk with him. From what Kagura was hearing, apparently Todoroki was made from a quirk marriage, pretty much was only made to surpass All Might as Endeavor put it. The half and half user vowed that he would never use his fire side, this pretty much made Kagura's blood boil. "You know Todoroki, you better hope we don't see each other in the ring. Otherwise I'd break you to the point you use your fire side." Todoroki flinched slightly and took a small step back. "It ain't fair that everyone is giving it their all and you're over here using half your power. Fine. We'll see how far that takes you."

The scene changes, the crowd cheering because the next fight was going to be something else. "Let's get this party started!! In this fight we have not only one but two riders ready to tear each other apart!"

Both Kagura and Kendo walk up to the field, both wearing their drivers. Kendo smiles as she takes out her vistamp, "I was hoping I'd fight you here. When I heard that me and Tetsutetsu weren't the only riders in the school, I had to see what you were made of." Kagura takes out his rising hopper Progrise key and keeps focus. Midnight begins the battle and both riders starts transforming.




Rising Hopper! A jump to the sky turns into a rider kick.

Ja! Ja! Ja! Jeanne!

Both students in their rider forms get into their fighting positions as the crowd cheers. Kendo rushes forward and throws a flying knee towards Kagura but he dodged and lands a right kick to her arm before rushing around behind her and kicks her back. Kendo stumbles back but shrugs off the attacks and throws a right punch and follows it up right kick to the body of highlight yellow rider and lands a spinning heel kick to his head. Kagura winces at the kick to his head and tries to block Kendo's punches but they did a lot of damage regardless. Suddenly she lands a left hook to the body and enlarges her right hand and punches Kagura, sending him back nearly to the edge of the field. "Dammit she's a lot tougher than I thought she was." Kagura uses his speed and starts moving around the area while Kendo waits. Kagura goes around behind her with a flying kick aiming for her head but Kendo moves to the side and lands downward punch on Kagura, smacking him on the ground on his back.

Dazed, Kagura was trying to process what just happened until Kendo walked over and put a knee on Kagura's chest and leaning down. "Well you landed a few attacks on me but I guess this is it." Kagura chuckles before tapping on the Progrise key.

Overdrive mode confirm.

Suddenly Kagura's left arm started sparking violently, Kendo couldn't react in time, Kagura threw a punch at her chest and sends her back. Everyone cheered at Kagura's comeback, who stood back up and rubbed his left arm. "Guess the overdrive mode worked, thanks Mr. Hiden."

"Overdrive mode?" Kagura tilts his head at Aruto who just told him about the new feature on the driver. "Correct, overdrive mode lets you add an extra 5% to one for all for extra power, but you only have one minute of access before the driver lets you use it again after 24 hours." He says while Kagura examines the driver.

*End flashback*

The grasshopper rider removes the current Progrise key and takes out another one that was red. "It's a good thing I have this to level the playing field a bit."

Fire! Authorize.

The satellite that was outside of earth shot out a red beam of light and a red mechanized tiger lands next to Kagura and roared. The crowd grows louder as they never seen anything like it.


Progrise! Giganto flare! Flaming Tiger! Explosive power of 100 bombs.

Suddenly a ring of fire surrounded Kagura as he stood there staring at Kendo with determination

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Suddenly a ring of fire surrounded Kagura as he stood there staring at Kendo with determination. Kendo gets back up starts dashing towards Kagura and goes for another flying knee but Kagura slips past it and lands a flame covered punch to her stomach and sends her back to the ground. She gets up coughing a bit and looks up at Kagura who was taunting her to try again. The both clash in the middle of the field, Kagura lands a left hook to the body but Kendo returns the favor with an elbow to the face. She then wraps her hands to the back of the male rider's neck and lands a couple knees to his ribs. Kagura winces but headbutts her and throws a spinning back kick to her chest before conjuring a fireball on his hand and throws it at Kendo with success.

"I gotta say, that new form definitely gave you some extra power but I think we dragged this fight a little too long don't you think?" Kagura chuckled a bit and agreed with her, he really wanted to see what Tetsutetsu is capable of. If defeating Kendo was the only way, he had no trouble giving it his all. "You're right, let's end this." He taps on the Progrise key to start his finisher while Kendo does the same.

Flaming Impact!

Kagura jumps in the air and spins himself at high speeds while a fire tornado starts forming around him, most of the fire power forming around his right leg. Kendo also jumps in the air while a blue cobra coils itself around her right leg. Cementoss gives off a stern look, ready to create a wall between them if they plan on hurting each other badly but it was already late.

Flaming Impact!

Cobra Stamping Smash!

The two Kamen Riders make contact, both kicks clashing each other creating an explosion, shaking the entire stadium. As everyone from class 1-A and 1-B get up from the collision, the smoke starts clearing up, they see Kagura on one side of the field and Kendo on the other. The flaming tiger rider gets up slowly while Kendo struggles to get up from her knees but staggers, suddenly she falls back on the ground with her driver giving up and removing her from her form. "Kendo is unable to keep on fighting, which means Komuro will fight in the next round!" Midnight announces. A few robots roll by to carry Kendo back to Recovery Girl, Kagura on the other hand removes the Progrise key off his driver and walks back to his seat. Though on his way over he sees Aruto and All Might waiting for him in the hallway. The number one pro talks to him first, "Good job out there young Komuro! I'm sure that young Kendo gave you a good challenge!" Kagura sighs and cracks his back, "No kidding, she hits like a damn semi truck." Aruto pops in to add his own critique. "She uses that sheer strength really well, seems like she has some prior martial arts training. I'm guessing Flaming Tiger gave you a fighting chance against someone like her."

"It definitely did, Rising Hopper only brings out 10% of One for All, Flaming Tiger was able to bring out 15% but it's like majority of One for All traveled to my arms only. Maybe that's why I was able to dish out more punches." He says while holding onto his new key. The rest of the matches went as some have predicted. Todoroki froze Lida's tailpipes, rendering his quirk useless. Tetsutetsu managed to use his finisher move to push Ashido out of bounds, and Bakugo used Tokoyami's weakness to his advantage by using his explosions as a light source.

The final round of the sports festival was just around the corner, the only ones left standing for the third round the two strongest of class 1-A and two kamen riders and they were put against each other. Bakugo vs Todoroki and Kagura vs Tetsutetsu.

Sheesh this took longer than expected, whelp the next chapter might take a while.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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