Chapter 6

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Heyooo here we go.

Days have passed since the start of the new school year. Apparently word has spread about All Might working as a teacher spread like wildfire, having the media at U.A every single day to get answers from teachers and students. Everyone.

Inside the classroom of 1-A, everyone was chatting amongst themselves, some were tuckered out from the media outside bothering them with questions. Aizawa walked in with a yellow envelope in hand. "I've seen the video of all your battles and the results of them. All of you did well, except two." The Sensei looked at Bakugo with a stern look. "Bakugo, you have a lot of potential but you let your anger get to you and seem to have a grudge with Komuro." Bakugo just frowned but didn't say anything to the teacher. The pro hero then looked at Kagura. "Komuro, interesting gimmick you have. You did well but you should work on leaving your grudge with each other in the past." For now we have something else to deal with. Some students groaned at the thought of a pop quiz. The whole week of homeroom was just littered in classwork and quizzes. It's Friday and they're still getting tortured regardless. "You need to pick a class president and vice president. Decide amongst yourself, wake me up when you have decided.

Some students were arguing for the spot of class president and made ridiculous promises if they were put into position. Lida kept going about the responsibility of being the president and wanted to use a voting system for fairness but in reality Lida really wanted the position. The final votes were in and Lida got two votes as well as Yaoyorozu. The ponytail girl decided to settle for vice President so there's no fuss. Time went by with a few boring classes, lunch time being an all out panic because of a few reporters breaking in. It was time for the hero class once again. The students were waiting patiently for All Might to show up until Aizawa walked in the class. "Today for hero basic training, All Might, myself, and one other person will be teaching you for todays lesson." Kagura thought to himself about having three teachers in one class, it must be a pretty big lesson. Sero, the guy with the tape quirk raised his hand to ask about the lesson. "Excuse me sir, what will we be doing?" "For today's lesson, we'll be doing rescue training." The class got up to grab their suitcases and went towards the locker rooms. Putting on his clothes, Kagura walked out with the rest of the guys who were going towards the bus. He noticed that Izu was at the front waiting for him. "Izu? What're you doing here?" "Good afternoon Mr. Komuro, the president was aware of today's training and wanted to give you a new key as a prize from your first battle." She opened up a metallic suitcase and handed Kagura a blue Progrise key with a shark badging. "Woah, biting shark! I remember when Mr. Hiden used this form for aquatic rescues." Izu smiled and bowed her head before leaving. "Biting shark will be useful in one of the training scenarios today, good luck Mr. Komuro."

Throughout the whole bus ride, the students were chatting amongst themselves. Kagura was smiling of the fact that he got a new Progrise key. He appreciated the fact that he's earning them one by one instead of having all of them being given to him. While he was checking the biting shark key, Tsuyu who was next to him couldn't help but put him on the spot. "Komuro-Chan, I just want to let you know that I speak what's on my mind." The successor was a little taken back but tilted his head. "O-Ok?" "Your suit looks a little familiar if I'm being honest. I feel like I've seen it before." Kagura brightened up and fired up his Kamen Rider knowledge. "Oh! Well it's the same costume that a hero wore long ago. Does Kamen Rider ring a bell?" Tsuyu put a finger on her chin before thinking a little. "Maybe, my younger siblings have watched something like that on tv." "That's awesome! I really like them and still collect some of their merchandise from time to time. They're actually one of the reasons I wanted to be a hero." Denki budged in with a grin on his face. "Kamen Riders are starting to sound cool if you talk so highly of them." Kagura was going to open his mouth until Aizawa interrupted them. "We're here, get off the bus." Before them was a giant dome building, going inside they were all amazed of what was inside. Multiple areas with their own destruction. From burning buildings to aquatic areas. A perfect area to test out biting shark. "This is a practical training area I created. They simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters in the real world. I call the ultimate space for jams." In front of the class was the rescue hero No. 13, who specializes in rescue missions instead of battling villains like traditional heroes. Ochaco was particularly excited, Kagura pointing out that 13 must be her favorite hero. Aizawa moved next to the rescue hero for a small conversation. "Where's All Might? He should be here by now." No. 13 put up three fingers while answering his question, "I was told he went out hero-ing while heading over here. He ended running out of time." Aizawa shook his head in disappointment and turned around to face his class. "So much for being the number one. Listen up class, this is very important." No. 13 walked up to give a small lecture. "Most of you may know, my quirk is called black hole. Whatever material gets sucked into the vortex, it'll turn to dust." "It's useful for things such as removing debris right?" Kagura questioned, although he already knew a couple of things about this hero. "Yes, but is also powerful enough to kill anyone in its range. It's no different than what your quirks can do as well. Keep in mind that each of you with a quirk as the capability to kill someone with it with one wrong move. During Aizawa Sensei's physical, you learned what potential your quirk has. All Might's trial of battle, you learned what your quirk can do to someone. Today's lesson will teach you how to use your quirk to save a life! Your quirk is not meant to hurt people in a way, remember that. That is all." The hero finished off the lecture with a bow, receiving claps from the students. Aizawa cleared his throat, "okay, first things first..." The erasure hero turned around to see a black portal open in front of the fountain, multiple villains walking out of it. "Huddle together and don't move!" The students didn't know what was happening and looked over to see what was going on. "13! Protect the students!" Kirishima raised an eyebrow, wondering if they were part of the exercise. "Stay back, these are real villains!" The one opening portals spoke first to the other two individuals. "Only Eraserhead and No. 13...the schedule said that All Might was suppose to be with them as well." A hooded figure that was wearing black jeans, black converse, a black and purple hooded jacket walked up and replied back to the portal. "As I said, schedules can change at any time." The other villain who had hands all over him, one covering his face was scratching his neck furiously. "He has to be here. The schedule said so!" He looked up to see the two heroes and the class. "Hmm... I wonder if he'll show up if we kill a couple of these kids." Aizawa put his goggles on and loosened up his scarf. Kagura stopped him though. "Wait Sensei! How're you gonna fight them all by yourself?" Aizawa looked back before leaping off. "A true hero is no one trick pony." While Aizawa was fighting off the villains, 13 tried to take the students outside until the portal guy blocked them. "I deeply apologize but you won't be leaving. We the league of villains have come here today to extinguish All Might once and for all." Kagura was taken back by the statement but decided to deal with that later. 13 was going to use her quirk until Bakugo and Kirishima beat her to it and landed their blows onto the villain. After the impact, the villains didn't seem fazed from their attacks. "Very good. As expected from the golden eggs of U.A academy. But that won't be enough." Kagura grabbed his driver and slapped it on, the belt straps wrapping themselves up. Zero-One Driver! "Before any of you try to fight me, you'll all be sent to your dooms."

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