Chapter 3

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"You're not being serious right All Might?"

All Might popped a vein and tried to force it in Kagura's mouth. "You have to take in my dna and my hair is the safest option!" Kagura tried to pull away but ultimately forced it down his throat. A couple of minutes pass by as Kagura was trying to use the quirk, nothing happened though and he was beginning to feel bummed out. "All Might where's the quirk." All Might gave a hearty laugh before patting him on the shoulder. "Relax young Komuro, it'll show up in an hour! For now we should report to Mr. Hiden and get you prepared! We have one month until the exams and I want you to at least have control of a small percentage!"

(At Hiden Intelligence)
"This is great! If we can get you to control at least 5% of One for All, you'll be much stronger than I was in the rising hopper form." Dumbfounded, Kagura had his mouth open in which Izu closed it up. All Might and his successor were with Aruto in his office discussing the next steps. Aruto got up and lead the two to the facility that Kagura was using to practice his martial arts skills. Aruto decided to explain what will happen. "Now I know how strong All Might is. Able to take down buildings in just one punch. In this case I can't have you doing that or else this whole building goes down and that's gonna dent my wallet. Instead..." He presses a button on a controller that he has in his pocket. The room started shifting and some panels flipped, a bench press, treadmill, and other equipment was being placed.  "We need to start off slow, try to bring out a small percentage, at the very least 1%." Kagura looked at his hand and concentrated. All Might decided to guide him in how to bring it out. "Try to imagine the power of one for all flow through your right arm. By now it should be settle in your body so bring it out as if it's an extra body part. Almost as if you're summoning a suit of armor" The boy tried to imagine it, suddenly his arm started to glow orange before red veins started forming as well. Kagura smiled excitedly while looking at his two mentors. "I did it! I have a quirk! I did," Kagura didn't even finish his sentence. He jumped and pumped up his fist in the air, forgetting the fact that he still had one for all activated punch a hole through the ceiling of the facility and the rest of the roof of the Hiden intelligence tower.

(The day of the entrance exam)
Kagura was walking past the gates of U.A. After that fiasco that happened last month, Kagura broke his arm and met Recovery Girl for the first time. Still weirded out that she has to kiss the injury in order for it to heal all the way. The next day the successor arrived at a new facility that Aruto had while the tower was being rebuilt. He practiced lifting weights with his quirk, keeping it at 1%. While on the treadmill he tried shifting his quirk from one leg to the other as fast as he could but never managed to succeed. Then Aruto gave him the idea to let it spread through his whole body. Since this was a big step to controlling this destructive quirk, he decided to call it One for All Supercharged. "Alright, here we go. It took me ten months I'm finally taking the steps of becoming a Kamen Rider." He was about to keep walking until he tripped and waited for his punishment. "So much for taking steps." He thought, until he began to float. Kagura looked to his left and a girl with brown hair and rosy cheeks stood next to him and placed him back up in a standing position. She put her hands together and suddenly he felt heavy again. "Sorry for using my quirk on you but I felt like it would be bad luck to fall on your face during the day of the exams!" Kagura looked at her and smiled. "Thanks for that actually. Wouldn't be a good idea to lose a tooth or something heh." The girl chuckled before leaving to enter the building, she looked back and waved at him, "I'll see you later! Hopefully in class this year!" Kagura waved back awkwardly, he looked behind him and saw Bakugo passing through the gates. The successor smirked a little before entering the building himself. "Time to see the gap between us."

"And begin!" After the explanation that Present Mic gave, the examiners were sent to cities that belonged to U.A. Apparently the exam was to takeout as many faux villains as possible to gain points. The more the merrier, sounds simple. Without warning, Present Mic announced that the exam has started. "What are you all standing for?! In a real fight, the villain won't give you a countdown! Go! Go! Go!" Kagura charged up One for all at 5%, since that is his limit right now, he leaped over past the other examiners. He saw his first villain, a one pointer, reeling back it's arm ready to punch Kagura until the boy dodged to the side and punched off the arm before uppercutting the villain's head off. "That's one point! I should get at least 40 points to call it even." He was about to attack another one pointer until a blue laser beam shot through the robot, a boy with long but spiked blonde hair equipped with a belt of some sort. Must be for his quirk. "Merci, I thank you for the support but we won't be meeting again." Kagura looked at him weirdly before leaving the area to go find more villains. He found a pack of two and three pointers going their separate ways until Kagura landed on top of a three pointer's head, smashing it. He then dodged a two pointers right punch before taking out it's arm with a flying kick and decapitates it's head with another kick. He took out the rest of the bots before turning around to see a three pointer winding up for a punch. Kagura smirked before charging up his arm only and throws a punch. "Smash 20% boost!" In an instant, Kagura took out the robot's arm and knocking it down from the wind pressure. He then proceeds to finish it off with an axe kick, destroying the head and walks away. "Okay that makes 24 points, there should be some three pointers up ahead."

"2 minutes ladies and gentlemen!" Everyone started to rush things and finish off as many faux villains as possible. In another room, a couple of pro heroes were watching the examiners giving it their all to enter this school. All Might smirked as his successor was taking our robots with ease. Next to him was was principal Nezu who decided to finish this exam off with a bang. He pressed a button to release the zero pointer. Back with Kagura, the ground around him started to shake as he noticed some people were looking up and running away. Kagura looked up to see a giant robot running over buildings with its tractor legs. "Ah shit, time to run." As he was about to commence his sprint towards the the next block to fight some more villains until he heard someone struggling. The girl that saved him from falling on his face was now stuck under some rubble. There was no way he had time to get all the rubble off of her before the zero pointer crushed them both. No one else was going to them since they're all running away which meant one option for Kagura. "Guess I'll have to take it out myself." He activated 5% and bounced around two buildings till he got to the roof top before increasing one for all through his legs. "20% boost!" Before anyone noticed, he was already face to face with the giant zero pointer and cocked back his right arm. "100% boosted smash!"

Wack! "You learn to control that quirk in a month and you still end up breaking your bones!" Before ending up in the nurses office again, Kagura remembered his punch destroying the robot's head before landing on the ground safely using one for all. What he didn't realize that the sudden surge of adrenaline rush wore off and he immediately felt the immense pain. Recovery girl smacked him on the head with her cane after healing him but in the end she gave Kagura only one gummy.

At the Komuro residence, Kagura was still nibbling on his onigiri. While he did take down that zero pointer last week, he didn't hit his goal for 40 points so that got him worried if it'll be enough to make it in. How was All Might and Mr. Hiden going to take it? Just then his mother entered the kitchen with the envelope in hand and handed it to the successor. "Kagura it came! Hurry and open it!" His dad also came over to check it out. Their son nervously opening the envelope, a little disk came out and a holographic screen appeared. On the screen was the rated R hero Midnight who was checking herself out in the mirror next to her. She then noticed that she was being recorded. "Oh it's on now? Ahem, hello there Mr. Komuro. So I wanted to make this brief and to let you know you scored pretty good on the written test, the practical though... you fell a little short with only 32 points. If you had gotten 3 more points then it could've gotten you in." Kagura looked at the screen, a look of shame in his eyes as he was disappointed in himself. Midnight smiled though and whipped the ground, making a cracking sound. "But we heroes don't just fight villains and forget the innocent civilians around us. That's why you were rewarded 60 rescue points! In total you came out on top of the leaderboard!" Kagura suddenly shot up from his seat and waited for the one thing he wanted to hear. "This is it Mr. Komuro, welcome your hero academia!"

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