An Encounter

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Ever since Ash and Goh had became researcher assistants for Professor Cerise they have always talked about how fun their adventures are and Chloe is starting to feel like joining them on one. So the next time the professor ask Ash and Goh for a new task for research, Chloe will ask if she can go is her plan.

Chloe just got back home from school and when she got to the lab she sees Professor Cerise giving Ash and Goh a task to go search for a rumored island called Dragonite Island. Chloe heard and found the opportunity to go to her dad and ask if she can go.

"Can I go with them. I want to see the Dragonite Island." Chloe begged her dad asking if she can go with the boys. Professor Cerise was shocked that Chloe asked if she can be on a Pokémon research expedition. "Ummmm....well Chloe you see I'm worried about you going on these expeditions that you could get hurt and I don't want you to get hurt." Professor Cerise said. "I'm sure she will be alright." Ash convinced Professor Cerise. "alright then ill let you go Chloe but make sure to stay safe." Professor Cerise Says. "Ok i will." Chloe answered gladly.

Then the trio hops on to a boat to go find the mysterious "Dragonite Island".

As hours passed by on the boat Goh started to complain about being hungry "Hey Ash, can i take more of your snacks?" "NO! You already took more than half of my snacks so i want to save it for myself" Ash says to Goh. "Fine." Goh complains. Chloe stands watching her friends argue and just decide to ignore it until she sees some land behind some fog. "Guys look over there" Chloe calling the boys pointing towards the island. The trio got off the boat to a dock that the boat stopped at and try to find out a way over there.

"You guys trying to get to that island over there?" A mysterious voice calls the trio. the trio looks around until Ash spots a a person in the distance next to a boat. This person had purple colored hair, a black hoodie, and has a Eevee but in shiny colors on their shoulders. "Yea we are, are you trying to go over there as well?" Ash responds to the mysterious person. "Yea I am, if you want to I can take you guys over there on boat." The person answering Ash. "Sure we will take you offer." Chloe said thanking the mysterious person. "By the way what's you name?" Goh asked. "My name is Rizeon." Rizeons answers. "Nice to meet you I'm Ash, I'm Chloe, And I'm Goh." The group introduces themselves to Rizeon. Rizeon stood in silence and just nodded then proceeds to get on the boat "Alright lets go now" Rizeon said

The group is now on the boat to the island and the Pokémon are just playing around on the ground. "Having fun there buddy?" Ash ask his partner Pikachu "Pika Pika" "How about you Scorbunny" Goh asked his partner "Bun" The Pokémon exited for their adventure while Rizeons Eevee is just next to Rizeon Chilling not playing with the other Pokémon. "Eevee why don't you go play with them?" Rizeon says. "Vui" Eevee happily goes and plays with Pikachu and Scorbunny.

Time goes by and the group has finally made it to the island and were greeted by a whole bunch of Dragonite. "WOW, so this must mean we are at Dragonite island." Ash said excitedly. "Wait you knew about the rumors to?" Rizeon asked. "Yea we are here as researchers assistant for professor Cerise and here to discover it." Ash responded. "Wow very interesting." Rizeon said amazed.

The group is continuing to research while Rizeon is on the side and then wonders off by themselves. Ash then notice a Dragonair that seems to be struggling to fly like the others.

Ash runs to the struggling Dragonair "Are you ok?" Ash asked Dragonair. The poor Dragonair appears to be sad and looks up to see other Dragonair flying in the sky. "Do you want to fly like them" Ash asked. Dragonair was cheering with happiness to tell Ash that, that was it wants. "alright we will find something out." Ash promised Dragonair. Ash, Goh, and Chloe try to find out a way to help Dragonair fly until Ash came up with an idea. "we could teach Dragonair Dragon Dance." "That could work." Chloe agrees with Ash.

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