Chapter Forty

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"Wake up." Kevin's voice is soft and filled with extreme concern. My eyes flutter open. "Kevin?" My voice is startled and sudden. Kevin wastes no time wrapping his arms around me. "Oof!" The sound is hollow as the wind is knocked out of me. "Sorry." Kevin apologizes. "Where are Anthony and May?" I ask when I notice it is only Kevin and me in the room. "They left a few minutes before you woke up." Kevin replies. "How long was I out?" I ask. Kevin checks his phone, which has been sitting next to him. "All night." Kevin says. "You passed out early in the night and it is now morning." Kevin says after a moment. "You didn't sleep?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No, not at all." His voice is almost a chuckle. "You didn't have to wait up with me all night." I say. "I really did. I was so fucking scared that something happened to you. You wouldn't wake up." Kevin's voice breaks. "I love you, Kevin, but not at the risk of your health. Please don't do that again." I plead. "I can't make that promise. I love you, Oliver, so fucking much. If something happens like this again I will for damn sure be there for you. Nothing will change that." Kevin's voice is certain and final. "This is really a lot for a high school romance." I say. "You've been reading 'Date Me, Bryson Keller' again haven't you?" Kevin asks. I feel blood rushing to my cheeks as my face turns ruby red. "I knew it." Kevin chuckles. His exhaustion has not changed the heart behind his laughter. "I love you, Oliver. Don't forget that. Please. Oliver?" Kevin's voice fades in and out. "Oliver!?" His voice is sharp and concerned. "Uh, I'm fine." I manage. "Are you sure?" Kevin asks. "I'm fine. I just zoned out for a minute. But I'm fine. Please don't worry about me." I assure him. I don't succeed. There is still worry in his face and in his voice. "I will never not worry about you." Kevin's voice is shaky now, not his usual strong and steady voice. Its unnerving. "Oliver, please let me help you when, if, this happens again. Please." Kevin's voice is pleading. He is near tears, I'm certain. "I will let you help me and worry about me as much as you feel comfortable. I will try to make it happen as scarce as possible." I say.

Kevin has me leaned up against the front of the couch as he crouches next to me. He leans forward and gives me a gentle kiss. "I love you." He whispers into my mouth. "I love you too." I whisper back. I pull back suddenly. "Where is my dad?" I ask. Kevin breathes heavily for a moment. "He went to find your mom. She hasn't been home." Kevin says. "Fuck!" My voice is frantic. "I'm sure she will be ok." Kevin says. "Are you sure?" I ask.

Just as I ask, the front door opens. "Mom! Dad!" I scream. "Oliver!" My parents call in unison as they rush in to hug me. "We've been so worried." They say. "I was worried about you." I say. "Was Kevin with you all night?" Mom asks. Kevin speaks. "I was. I hope that isn't a problem." His voice is unsteady. "Mr. and Mrs. Stans." "Please call us Paul and Lauren." My father says to my boyfriend. I feel weird about this because I never hear anyone call my parents by their first names ever. "Are you ok?" Mom asks me. I nod. "Are you ok Mrs. Sta-, Lauren?" Kevin asks. Mom nods silently. "She's been better." Dad says, holding Mom. I can't help but feel extremely on edge from it. "Pria is all taken care of. All the paper work and everything." Dad says. I nod. "Let's leave that woman out of this house please?" Mom says quickly and sharply. Dad nods. "I would love that." I say softly. Kevin puts an arm under my armpit and across my back and lifts me up. I grunt. "Up you go." Kevin grunts himself. "I'm fine." I say. Kevin shakes his head. "You are not fine. Last night you passed out and now you can't even stand up right." Kevin readjusts me as he pulls my arm over his shoulder. He grunts as he does so. "Come on." He groans. I also groan as he moves me. He moves me over to the kitchen where we all sit around the table. "Thank you." I say to everyone and no one.

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