Chapter Fifteen

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"Hello." That voice says. The voice that belongs to Addison Stone. "Hello, bitch." I say. I was in a good mood. I tell her that. "I was in a good mood until I saw you. I actually forgot you existed because I was so busy." Addison's mouth drops open in fake shock. "Well I didn't forget about you. I was...Never mind." She says. "What were you busy with?" She asks with genuine curiosity. "You know how you said me and Kevin Hends were a couple?" I say. She nods. "Check Kevin's Facebook page." I say. She pulls out her phone. She taps the screen madly flying to Facebook and then to Kevin's page. "'In a relationship with...Oliver Stan'?!" She screams. "We updated our pages this morning." I say beaming. My day is so much better seeing Addison's face. "You two are dating?!" She screams louder. "We aren't public or anything." I say, jokingly. "You updated your pages and you aren't..." She realizes the joke. "You are such a fuckwit." She growls. "Why don't you tell me how you really feel?" I say. The fury in her face brings joy to mine. "I will tell you how I feel you filthy..." "Addison Stone!" Mr. Crents yells. He is four desks from the door where we stand. "Yes Mr. Crents?" She turns around and says sweetly. "What was that you were about to say to Oliver?" He asks, knowing damn well what she was about to say." "I was saying..." She trails off. "Get yourself to Mr. Heinzet's office this second. If you are not there in thirty seconds I will know and I will be informing him you will be there in thirty seconds or less." He is close to growling. "Twenty nine, twenty eight..." He begins to count. Addison dashes from the room. Mr. Crents pulls out his phone and texts his husband. "She has ten seconds to get there." He says to me as he puts his phone away. "I expect the a text in fifteen." He says. I chuckle. "Are you ok?" He asks me. I sit down in my seat. He sits in the desk next to me. "I'm fine." I say with a big smile. "What is with the smile?" Mr. Crents asks with a grin forming. "Kevin and I are going stronger than ever and we even updated our relationship status on Facebook this morning." I say. "Oliver, that's great." "How is Logan doing?" I ask. "I haven't seen him in a while. "He is doing great. He is happier than he has been in a long time." Mr. Crents says. "And that is thanks to you, Oliver." "And Kevin." I add. "Logan didn't mention Kevin was there." "I hope that was alright. I mean you did tell me to only do it by myself." I say nervously. "Oliver. You helped our son come out of his shell and he is so happy. We owe you and Kevin one." He says. "I am so happy for you." He continues. "Kevin is a really great guy. He is also extremely good in school. I don't know if he told you this but I have him in a class later in the day. He is the top student in that class. Much like you are the top student in this class." I smile. "I hope he wasn't keeping that a secret." He adds with a frown. "I am sure he just didn't get around to it." I assure him. "Ok. Now give me a hug." He says. I give him a big hug.

Mr. Crents and I are close in a way not just student and teacher so it really isn't totally unprofessional. Some may look at it this way but we have it established. Him and his husband look at me as sort of a son figure as well. I look at them as the dads I never had. Nothing against my own dad.

"I think it is great that you have that kind of relationship with them." Kevin says as we exit our last class. "I know it may seem weird to others though but I really don't care." I say. "I wish I had that kind of feeling." Kevin says. "You can. You are my boyfriend after all. Boyfriends are family and they are kind of family. "It doesn't seem a little weird though?" May asks from my other side. "Not really." I say. "We have set boundaries." "That isn't always enough but if you think that it is really safe then I think it is nice." Anthony says. "It isn't like they have me over or anything." I say. "They just are like my mentors almost. Mr. Crents was my tutor when I fell behind first semester. I asked him to be." "Why did you fall behind?" Kevin asks. "You are the first in that class." He adds. "I was out sick for two weeks so he helped me catch up." "He isn't giving Oliver any foot up or favors." Anthony says. "I've seen his work. I am in the same subject with a different teacher and we have the same work and similar answers and we both have the same general grade in those classes." He continues. "The three of us should do homework together sometime to see how we do." Kevin says. "Three?  So it is a sausage party?" May asks. "I am in class with Oliver and I am getting close to being first in class. If I can just remember the difference between..." She trails off. "What?" Kevin says. Anthony, Kevin, and I follow May's gaze. Addison Stone is standing by Kevin and my lockers. She has something in her hand. Not for a very long time though. "Gimme." May says as she snatches a piece of paper out of Addison's hand which is hovering by the slit in my locker. "What the fuck!?" Addison cries. May unfolds the paper and reads it aloud. "Dear, Oliver. I can't do this any more. I can't be the boyfriend of someone so horrible and pathetic. You are just a shitty person. I will have nothing more to do with you and your band of rejects. Fuck off. Kevin. P.S. you smell like horse shit." Kevin snatches the note from May and holds it for him and I to read. "What the fuck is your problem?" I say scream at her. The hallway falls silent. "What do you mean?" Addison says trying, and failing, to sound innocent. "I was just putting a letter in your locker that I found that I thought should be delivered to you." She gives a small laugh. "I didn't write this." Kevin says. He looks at me. "I believe you." I say, my eyes never leaving Addison. "Kevin doesn't write like this, Addison. His spelling is better and he has class enough to break up with someone in person and not call them names and especially not insult them." I say. "There is also a line at the end where you start to write your name but cross it out and write Kevin. And I know my boyfriend's handwriting." I say. "And Kevin doesn't even own a pen that alternates the color form pink to purple." I add as I examine the note. "I'm going to take this down to the office." Kevin says. He walks away. "Wait!" Addison cries. She tries to run after him. "Where the fuck do you think you are going, bitch?" May asks. She grabs Addison by her blonde hair and pins her to the locker. "Kevin!" Addison screams. Mrs. Crantan walks out of her classroom just in time to see Addison pull out a nail file. She goes to plunge it into May's chest. Mrs. Crantan walks over and with a swift motion grabs the file out of Addison's hand. "Addison Stone!" She cries. She pulls Addison down to the office. May, Anthony, and I follow. Mrs. Crantan turns to May. "Call the police." She says to her. May pulls out her phone and calls the police as we follow them down to the office.

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