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robin the cool lesbian aunt, steve the mom harrington, and eddie the dad munson :'( i just know they all love dustin w all their hearts

robin the cool lesbian aunt, steve the mom harrington, and eddie the dad munson :'( i just know they all love dustin w all their hearts

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actually Nancy would be the aunt and robin would so rather be the uncle

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actually Nancy would be the aunt and robin would so rather be the uncle

they all love him so much even when he annoys them. also dustin would so ask eddie if he could beat Max's score on dig dug. if he couldn't beat her, then dustin would ask robin but robin wouldn't know how to play so she gets a low score and dustin has to admit defeat lmao. he wouldn't even bother asking steve cuz he already knows steve couldn't do it. I feel like Nancy would either be able to get a really close score to max or refuse to play cuz she didn't know how

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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