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I watch as Simons guards hood me back. Tears running down my face as I watch Simon go to a girl across from me and hit her.

I struggle against the guards hold "STOP, LET HER GO!"

I watch as blood leaves her mouth front he hits that come into contact with her face. She tries to run to me "Nova!!"

I yell for her "——"

I jump out of my sleep and my eyes snap open. My eyes dart everywhere across the room. Who was that? My breathing is uneven. Where am I?

I look down to see that Im tied to a metal chair that's bolted it the floor. My vest and weapons are gone. Im on in my black long sleeve and black pants and socks. My shoes gone.

I feel little beads of sweat in my forehead. The room is empty. Is this one of asinine tests?

I pull again the rope around my wrist trying to break free.

I then hear the door click and start to open. Simon? My face goes blank when I see Jason and two other men enter the room.

Fucking hell.

He's still wearing a suit while the other two are in casual clothes. Jason walks to me with an emotionless face "Are you injured?"

I ignore his question and look away from him and towards a wall. As if he'd care, the motherfucker kidnapped me. A cute motherfucker. Not now!

He grabs me by the chin and forces me to look at him "I asked you a question bellissima" (beautiful)

I glance at the men behind him smiling and whispering to each other and then go back to Jason. What the fuck did he just call me?

I still don't answer his question. His eyes hold amusement and he reaches into his pocket. My body tenses preparing myself for torture but he pulls out a tiny black tech thing.

I frown as he places it in my lap. I look up at him in confusion "A tracker that was behind your ear. Simon has no idea where you are."

I clench my jaw in anger and my reaction in makes him smirk. He squats down to my level and rests his elbows on my knees while looking at me "You mainly want to kill me because Simons been telling you that I've been hurting the girls, right?"

I just stare at him blankly.

He looks back at the men and nod his head. They leave the room and it's just Jason and I.

He looks into my eyes trying to read me but I give him nothing. He then reaches to his back pocket and pulls out some cloth. He wipes my forehead and neck.

His deep voice is the only sound in the room "Simons manipulated you. I know you won't believe me now because he's has this control over you but I'll prove it."

The door opens again and 20 girls comes in one at a time. Most of them are young. They're untouched, they look strong and healthy. When I see all of them my body relaxes and my voice comes out in a whisper "Where's the rest of them?"

He puts the cloth back into his pocket "Most of the older girls left to go live their own lives and see the world for what it truly is. Who you see now are the girls that wanted to stay for a while longer until they're ready to leave."

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