Lost memories

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I lay in the bathtub full of water as the guards tie rope around my mouth. Simon plugs in a toast and walks towards me "You've betrayed me yet again number three."

I tried to get out of the water but they chained me to the tub. I try talking but the top makes everything unclear and mumbled together.

I feel my eyes start to water when he holds the toaster above the water. "I'm only making you stronger. You know that three." Then he drops it.

I gasp for air when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I go to move away but my body is so weak that I just fall back down.

I feel there touch again and all I hear is ringing in my ears. I look to see Jason looking at me with concerned eyes. He's talking to me but I can't hear a word he's saying.

I look around the room and feel sweat go down my forehead. What the fuck is going on?

I look to the corner and see Simon looking at me with disappointment. It's as if my air get caught in my lungs. I try to breath but it feels like the room is slowly closing around me.

That when I feel arms around me one under my legs while the other supports my back.

I feel myself being lifted off the ground and then moving fast. I try to calm myself down but nothings working. Every time I inhale is a struggle but exhaling is perfectly fine.

We're going down a hall and I see Simon step out of the room we were just in.

I close my eyes so I won't see him.

Boss knows best number three you know that. I watch as they hold her up. Tears streaming down both of our faces "Please stop h-hurting her, hurt m-me." Why words come choking out of my mouth.

I watch as he take a blade from one of his guards and sighs at me "You'll be perfect one day. I just know it."

He then gets up and walks to her. She see him walking towards her I can see in her eyes that she's given up. She yells for the last time "LIVE FOR ME NOVA. SURVIVE." Then he drags the blade along her throat.

I watch as blood starts to pool down her clothes "BREE!" I yell for her but it's pointless.

I'm being held when I open my eyes. I'm outside. Her name was Bree. My best friend.

I see Jason holding my face still talking to me as my hearing slowly starts to come back "...the....eathe....breathe....Breathe" I nod my head at his words and I start to catch my friend.

He closes his eyes and his body relaxes "Fucking hell Nova."

I frown at him, why is he upset? I feel the oxygen coursing through my body and I relax. The fresh air feels so good.

Jason takes my face into his hands again "Are you ok? What happened? Who's Bree?"

My eyes widen, shut I must've said something while I had a flashback "I-.... You-... I-" what do I say? I don't want him to know about my past. I'm just now remembering it. I take a deep breath in and out "How'd we get outside?" I look around dodging his question.

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