The DeLucas

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I slowly open my eyes as I feel something heavy lay on top of me. I look down to see a lightly snoring Jason and I smile.

His head lays on my stomach as his arms wrap around my waist. He hair is slightly wavy and messy and I reach down to place with the only white section on his head.

I know I always talk about his eyes and how they're mesmerizing. But his hair is also interesting. I wonder why there a random price different from the rest. It makes his a hundred time more handsome.

I twirl the piece of hair around my finger and watch him as he sleeps.

I really really hope he'll let me go see everyone today. They must be worried as hell about me, and I feel bad for causing them to feel that way.

I sigh and let my thoughts take over and it's as if Jason can feel me starting to become anxious.

He lifts his head and slowly blinks multiple times until his eyes officially open and meet mine. I give him a small smile and he slightly frowns. His voice is deeper and more raspy than normal "What's wrong?"

I try to play it off because I just want to get to the family as soon as I can "Nothing. But, can we go see them today?"

He closes his eyes "Tesoro." I slightly pout "Please Jay. I just want to see them. I want to explain. I want to talk to them."

He opens he eyes and then sighs "I know you do but I just want some more time with you. Alone."

I smile at him hoping to convince him "You can do that tonight....after we see your family."

He groans. Why is he so resistant on seeing his family? What happened to him? It's like all he wants to do is just be alone and it makes me worry.

I have to find out what happened. I have to know his story.

He just looks up at me and rolls his eyes "1 hour." I frown and tilt my head to the side "An hour?" He lays his head back down and close his eyes "1 hour to see them and explain yourself. It'll help them."

I smile to myself and run my fingers through his hair "An hour and a half." He just sigh and nods his head. I raise and eyebrow and start starting his head "two hours."

He squeezes me in his arms and I bite the side of my cheek "Don't fucking push it piccolo."

It was worth a shot.

It took us a while to get out of the penthouse

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It took us a while to get out of the penthouse. Jason was the first to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. And when I went to follow him so that I could get ready too, pain shot from my stomach and down my legs when I stood up and I fell.

It was fucking awful, but Jason helped me to the bathroom and ran me a warm bath. He even put relaxing essential oils in it that was calming. I even convince him to take a bath with me.

We wash ourself and each other talking about the randomness things and enjoying each others company. The mood was light and happy, it was as if no one else on the world was alive but us. Only us.

But as we near the house of the DeLucas it's as if his mood had changed. It's as if this aura around him darkened. It felt as if he was sad and angry at the same time.

I wanted to ask him about it and tell him to open up to me, but I knew he wouldn't.

One hand drives the car while the other lays on my upper thigh caressing it. The radio is low and the many conversations we've had before slowly died down to silence.

We talk about how last night went when we had sex. He asked if he was being to rough and when I told him that he was perfect and that I enjoyed it, he apologized for cumming so quickly.

When we talked about that I laughed and told him that I was kind of relieved because that was just a sign that he hadn't been with another woman.

We pull up to that house and get through security. He parks the car and neither of us move. I break the silence "It's been a while since I've been here. Should I expect a drastic change like pink walls and like green decor?"

He smiles and shakes his head "Could you imagine that bullshit actually happening? I'd die before I let that shit happen."

I lightly laugh and he sighs opening the door. I watch him walk around the car and open my door for me.

I step out and step to the side as he closes the car door for me. Before I could start walking toward the house he steps in front of me and traps me between him and the car, placing bot of his hand on both sides of my body and on top of the roof of the car.

I frown and he looks at me with only seriousness "I want you in my sight at all times." I slightly smile and let out of nervous laugh "Jaso-"

He cut my off "I'm serious Nova. Just listen to me." I look at him with a hint of shock.

He's never really used my full name. He's always used nicknames for me. I nods my head slowly and watch his once relaxed body, tense.

He leans down and kisses my lips, I kiss him back. And as his stand he kisses my forehead letting his lips linger for a moment.

As he takes a step back he hold out his hand and I take it "Your hour and a half starts as soon as you step into that house. Am I understood?"

I nods my head and furrow my eyebrows a little "I understand Jay."

He nods "Good." And we start walking towards the house.

Time to catch up and figure out what the fuck happened.

1041 words

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