Higher up

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Days have gone by and we've made a lot of progress on planning our next mission, which is tonight. going to one of Simons clubs and getting one of his trusted men.

I know what he looks like and how he is because I would go with Simon, he said he wanted to show his men what he created. The club has memories that I wish I didn't remember.

But I met most of the people that I would be working closely with. They're all really sweet and kind to me, sometimes I wonder if they're just acting like that towards me because Jason told them to do so.

Iris, Jason's mothers. She's stunning. Her eyes are a light brown while her hair is dark brown and curly and has tan skin. She's around 5'6, a little taller than me. She had this motherly care to her that I've always want. Even though she's only known me for a couple days she treats me just like the rest. Scolds me, asks me 'you stupid?', smacks me against the back of my head, and apparently curses me out in Italian. She's sweet but scary. Her smile always makes me smile, something I haven't gotten used to yet.

Gabrielle, Jason's father. He always has this cold look to him but he's really a good man. He jokes around with me and he's scared, yet madly in love with Iris. He has grey eyes, light tan skin, and straight black hair with a white streak at the front of his head. He's a little taller than Jason, I guess around 6'8 and has a scar on his upper lip. He doesn't act friendly to everyone though. When he showed me where they keep hostages he was covered in blood and act as if he wasn't while smiling and giving me a tour. He's crazy, but in a good way.

Octavia, Jason's little sister. She has long black wavy hair with light brown eyes and tan skin. She's just like Gabrielle when it come to torturing people and talking to people normally while covered in blood. She's really sarcastic and fun to be around. She brings fun into anything serious that we're doing and I appreciate her for that. She always talks to me and she has no filter. There's also a flower tattoo behind her ear, lavender. She said she got lavender because it was the the plant her and her siblings always took form their garden when they were kids. She's 20, like me, and around 5'5. She's an assassin.

Enzo, little brother. He has short curly brown dark brown hair with light tan skin and black eyes. He always has something to say whether it's positive or negative. He also has this talent for instigating every chance he gets. The definition of a troublemaker. She calls me babe and is really dramatic, but he always manages to make me laugh even when I try not to. He's around 6'5 and he's 22. He's one of the 'get away' drivers and a sniper. He also smokes cigarettes. I haven't seen him serious yet.

London, Jason's best friend who is basically his brother. He has dark skin, long dreads, and green eyes. He has some stubble along his jaw and a scar on his neck. He's good with technology but he's also one of the best assassins in the world. He too looks mean on the outside but is friendly and funny on the inside. He's more calm that the others but still has his childish side. He's around 6'6 and his 23. He likes making fun of people even if it's to their face.

And Jason. He has black wavy hair with a white streak at the front of his head with grey eyes. He's really kind to me but when we get around others it's like all of that goes away. He too smokes cigarettes and he's relaxed around his family. He's never left my side, and he's really bossy. He's the heir to the Italian mafia and another 'get away' driver. He's 23 and around 6'6. He always checks on me and doesn't really let me go anywhere by myself, but I think it's just because he doesn't trust me.

But as of right now we're sitting at the table in the office finalizing the plans for Simons club.

Octavia rests her head on my shoulder "Men are so fucking complicated."

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