Imagine; Getting fluffy with SMM

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Getting Fluffy with Super Macho Man

Requested By;  TerryChantheawesome 

Notes; I had to rewrite this as the first draft came out a bit too depressing for my liking - I might post that version one day, but for now, here's some fluff.


Despite Macho being in multiple past relationships, they have all been shallow and usually end after they have their fit with him. So he was pretty new to the whole ... actually caring for his partner. He cares for them of course! He just doesn't know how to show it outside of buying and being physical with them.

He's trying though! For example, properly comforting you. The first few times, Macho just buys you things you like when he notices you in the dumps. While it was nice the first few times, it made you feel like it was just him trying to find a way to quickly shut you up. Once you voiced your concerns and talked with Macho he tried to find other ways to comfort you. Holding you in his arms, close to his body [if you're fine with being touched] and/or listening to you, keeping his big mouth shut till the end where he voices his opinions and gives... okayish advice.

Love languages; Gift giving and quality time. The first one is pretty self-explanatory. What's the point of being rich if he can't spoil his partner? Then for the second one - while he'll never admit it, Macho knows that not everyone likes him and some probably hate his guts. He doesn't have a lot of close friends so he learned to appreciate any moments with the people he cares about.

Most likely, you're smaller than him and he absolutely adores the size difference if that's the case. It strangely boosts his ego whenever you come to ask him to get something off the top shelf. So much so that he started placing items on the top shelf on purpose. [The little shit]

If you're taller than him then congrats! Not many people can have that privilege and Macho will be slightly intimidated by you, something he'll probably never say out loud. Though he doesn't need to say it - he has a horrible poker face when he's being teased about his height so please, do tease the everloving hell outta this man.

Macho does secretly hope that you don't want to get involved with the press - for your own safety. He has seen how some fans will treat some of the other boxer's partners and it's not pretty. And knowing his own fans, he rather have you not get mixed up in it all. Despite that, he will go on and on about you to the paparazzi, bragging about how handsome/beautiful you look, how totally groovy you are, etc. He talks about you so much that some fans suspect that you aren't a real person.

Macho does respect it if you do want to publicize your guy's relationship and in that case, expect him to be close to you, usually having an arm around you if you're fine with that. It's just his way of showing you off while also making sure he can protect you if shit hits the fan. Macho also takes the lead during interviews, not only because he likes talking about himself [though, it is a big part of it] he also knows how to get past any intrusive questions paparazzi usually try to sneak in.

But even Macho has his own limits and wants to get away from everything. Thankful he has a semi-secret getaway that he and his lover can go if it all becomes too overwhelming and that is his own private beach. One of the first things he bought once he got money. He loves the environment and enjoys going surfing and what better place to go and relax than the beach? Also gets to show off his "mega stoked" skills to you out on the water.


620 Words

 Thanks for requestin' this! Honestly had a lot of fun writing it!

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