General Bald Bull HCs

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[Art by me - lil dude Bull's holding is my self-insert, might talk more about it if people really want me to]

Note; Bald Bull has now reached comfort character status - perhaps, even babygirl status if you will. 

Warning; a brief mention of self-harm,

Warning; a brief mention of self-harm,

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Bull Is part of the sibling gang. He has an older sister, Nehir, who took care of him - more so than their father did anyways. Nehir is strict and is probably the only person who puts fear into Bull's heart and gets through his stubborn ass. Bull has a lot of respect for her and shows that respect by helping around the ranch.

Also, of course, Bull has a cattle ranch, are you kidding me? He's been taking care of cattle since he could walk and loves being outside with them. And now that his sister inherited the ranch it's truly the only place Bull can go and be free from the press and fame. Even the work he does on the farm is relaxing.

A popular rumor that's been around since even before becoming a boxer was that he killed his birth father. But the worst Bull had ever done to him was break his arm. The fate of his father was liver failure. Bull doesn't mind the rumor as much as other rumors. In fact, with some of his younger fans, he seems to play into the idea, scaring them off most times.

Bull's favorite treat is anything with caramel. I don't know why he just seems like the kinda guy.

Bull in his youth had inherited his mother's big fluffy hair. He actually quite enjoyed it, taking great care of it ... until that fateful barber came and cut it all off. The moment it happened - oh he was furious. It took the whole boxer gang at the time to hold him back from attacking the poor barber. As much as he liked his hair, being bald fit his brand well, and he likes to joke about it. Still, I imagine once he retires he will regrow it back. [Much to the dismay of everyone]

Bull has many scars - most come from being a boxer for so long, others from helping around the ranch. The oldest of the scars are from his younger years and are sadly self-inflicted. He is doing a lot better - mentally and physically - now however he understandably doesn't like talking about them. However, the nastiest of the bunch was due to an accident on the ranch back during his teen years. It fully healed at this point but it is still the weakest point on his body.

Similar to the bulls at the ranch, Bald Bull can sleep while standing up, and sometimes with their eyes open. No one knows how this started [even Bull himself] and it's terrifying to everyone. [Even Nehir hates it]. (I actually stole this hc from Tumblr the idea was so funny to me but I can't find the original post >:[ )

It's also rumored that Bull's sideburns are as soft as clouds. No one can confirm this of course but it's a popular rumor and one he seems to be annoyed at strangely enough.

Despite his branding and living on a cattle ranch, his favorite animals are cats. Many find shelter on the ranch and give birth to their kittens there - some Bull has helped in raising, which resulted in him owning an empire of cats. When he is done with chores, Bull would sometimes lay on the ground and let all the cats and kittens lay on top of him.

In the most positive way possible I can describe Bull's feelings towards Mac: He wanted to eat him. He wanted to eat him and chew and spit him back out at Doc's feet. When Doc retired, he and Bull didn't exactly leave on the right foot. So when Doc came with a little runt, he thought Doc was mocking him. He underestimated Mac and because of that, he lost the match. Oh, he was pissed off. Of course, Doc would teach the boy his old tricks - and Bull's weakness as well. The second match was even worse. It's a miracle Mac hasn't been beaten up outside the ring by Bull. Bull has more positive feelings about Mac now, being happy for the young man strangely enough. Though he doesn't show it.

.Moss's Official Hug Rating.

Bull never hugs people. The only person he would consider hugging is Nehir and even then, it's more likely going to be an awkward side hug than anything else. Though he had no problems with close friends [Doc and Soda mostly] hugging him, he just won't hug back. However, he's a natural cuddle bug in his sleep. Bedmates find him clinging to them and holding them like a stuffed animal. It's definitely not bad, though he can't help but feel bad about it in the morning.

Bull awake is like 2/10 but asleep? Like a solid 8/10 mans a fuckin' HEATER

Bull awake is like 2/10 but asleep? Like a solid 8/10 mans a fuckin' HEATER

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768 Words

Hey-o! Its been a hot minute since I last wrote anything Punch-Out!! related! Sorry about that fellas! I've been busy with school [a tip for any future seniors, don't take two advanced classes at once! It will make you regret learning how to read and write] + Currently stuck writing SF requests back to back. Which is fine I like SF but I just miss writing PO damn it >:[

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