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Haunting [Halloween Special] [ooooo Spooky]

Note:  Ideally would have liked this to come out a few weeks ago but kinda went through an odd paranoid period + classes are giving my ass a good kickin' - it's fine though those two things are pretty normal for me. 

Warnings: Bit cliche [but we all like a little cliche goodness] and blood. 


Since the beginning of WVBA, everyone knew that the minor circuit's lockers were haunted. Everyone bloody knew it, even if they didn't want to admit it. Strange rumbling noises at night, stuff falling off of lockers, the lights flickering off and on, hell, even the bloody toilets go off by themselves, scaring the literal shit out of anyone.

One of the few who is painfully aware of this fact is our favorite disco maniac, Disco Kid.

Ever since joining, Disco has been tormented by the lights flickering and "ghost chills", whatever that means. Disco already has Ghostbusters dialed whenever the wind blows on him the wrong way.

Indeed, one of Aran's favorite prank subjects at the moment.

The Minor circuit members have always been easy to scare - but a simple boo is enough to bring Disco down to his knees shivering. While Aran is having a blast messing with him, he notices his entertainment has been faltering - you can only fuck with one person so much before you get bored.

But this morning he had something real nasty up his sleeve.

A few weeks before Clover left, she had taught Aran how to work with paper mache While she taught him how to make more or less cutesy stuff - Aran quickly discovered how easy it was to turn it into something freaky. Spending a few nights and mornings on it, Aran was able to turn a simple balloon into a horrifying bouncing nightmare.

Yet the worst part of his idea was waking up before anyone could get into the gym. The sun barely raising, and the chill air starts to warm up, Aran was ready to start his mission.

Using the key he definitely didn't steal from Glass Joe, Aran snuck into the gym.

He knew the old geezers wake up early to train - so Aran had to be both quiet and sneaky, both are skills he undoubtedly lacks. He cradles his creation carefully, any wrong move and his weeks of work would mean nothing. However, luck seems to be on his side as the two aren't here today. Aran didn't question it, rushing to the lockers - the sooner he can put this shit away the better.

Aran made it to the locker room entrance and smirked, an aura of playfulness shun through him. But his confidence was quickly shattered by a large hand on his shoulder. King Hippo towered over Aran, eyeing him and his creation down.

How did I not see them earlier?

Hippo knew Aran was planning another prank on his friend - Aran knew he'll be lucky if he left with no broken bones. Instead of raging, Hippo gave him a disappointing nod, before letting him go and continue on their way.

The luck of the Irishman shines through once more.

After peeking in and seeing no one, Aran scurries in. Disco's locker was easiest to spot - he's the only one who bothers to decorate it. Careful not to tear the ghost, Aran shoves it into the locker. He tested the ghost to make sure it still bounced out, then shut the door closed. Aran gave a devilish chuckle to himself, happy he can finally put this to rest.

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