Burnt Bread HCs

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Glass Joe/Aran Ryan [Burnt Bread] Headcanons

Note: These are just silly lil HCs I wrote while at the  vet earlier this week (Cat's fine, although my wallet lookin' real sad atm)

Note: These are just silly lil HCs I wrote while at the  vet earlier this week (Cat's fine, although my wallet lookin' real sad atm)

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Aran, as we all perhaps know - is a gross fucker. No one is safe from his grossness - even Joe, his beloved lover. Sure he might not face it as much as the others do but the few times Aran decides to be nasty toward Joe, it seems nastier then he's willing to give out to the other v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶s̶ boxers. Licking his face, forcing his finger upon his nose after he scratches his ass, threatening to pee on him while showering together (and has - Joe proceed to waterboard Aran), - everything he does just pisses the hell out of Joe.

Don't think it's unsurprising to say that Joe knows a thing or two about bandaging up injuries of any kind (Spending a few years being essentially a punching bag does that!) and isn't afraid to jump in and help some of his fellow boxers out - Aran being very much included in that list. It was hard to get used to but over time Aran grew to love the attention on him. Usually ends up steamy if neither of them aren't too beat up.

Aran is the self proclaimed leader of the Glass Joe fan club, much to the dismay of the clubs founder: Gabby Jay.

Arans immune system is strong as fuck, so when he gets sick, he gets sick bad. The best way to describe it is like watching a bedridden Victorian child. He acts like a big baby about it too, wanting nothing but to be babied. Joe will indulge him for a short while (ignoring the sick man's poor attempts at trying to get physical) till later it becomes apparent that Aran is feeling better and is just playing it up for show.

Now, Joe loves Aran but he willing to fuck him over in this regard. Giving him a full cup of ice with no water, giving him medicine that's actually just sour candy (that one did backfire though as Aran is a sour head), and worst of all, ignoring all temps at Aran trying to kiss him.

Doesn't even take an hour before Aran's suddenly feeling better.

Aran's sisters like Joe, perhaps more so than they actually like Aran. Molly (the youngest sister) probably likes him the best though: Joe has a tendency to spoil the hell out of her with treats and clothes and fun events whenever she visits. Usually, somehow it bites Aran in the ass later but he's willing to deal with anything as long as those two got along.

Can't say the same about Joe's family. Yeah apparently beating someone to a bloody plum and going on to shagging their cousin isn't exactly the greatest way to be familiar with family. Though so far, it's only Jay who seems to have a hatred towards the man. Joe's mom and aunt love Aran and think he's hilarious.

Surprisingly, Aran is the early bird in the relationship, not Joe. He wakes exactly at seven every day (for better or worse) and is usually the one forcing Joe out of bed. Sometimes the smell of his cooking is enough to wake him up but most days Aran just picks him up and throws him back on the bed over and over till he's awake.

On the subject of cooking: Joe can't cook for the life of him. Not because of a lack of skill, but instead horrific luck. Forgetting to set the timer off, mixing in salt instead of sugar (or vice versa), burning his hand - anything that could possibly go wrong will. Aran however has both the luck and skill for cooking and is good at it. He's almost offended when Joe admits he thought he was going to be a bad cook - His mom owns a bar for crying out loud of course he knows how to make a decent meal!

 He's almost offended when Joe admits he thought he was going to be a bad cook - His mom owns a bar for crying out loud of course he knows how to make a decent meal!

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637 Words

Archie (Left) looking for guidance from Garf (Right) after an facing an traumatizing event (eating his medicine

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Archie (Left) looking for guidance from Garf (Right) after an facing an traumatizing event (eating his medicine.)

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