Von Kaiser Rom HCs

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Romantic Headcanons with Von Kaiser

Note; I wrote a good chunk of these during my free time at school and only now getting to it. Also, I do hc Kaiser as aro [or I guess in this case, arospec] and I didn't want to skip Kaiser over [since I do plan to do rom hcs for at least the Wii gang] so I kinda just projected myself into the poor bastard. I give your mans sensory issues I'm sorry- 

Warnings; none


Kaiser has a rough time understanding other people - So he doesn't really catch on to any subtle hints that someone might like him and/or needs his affection. Plus, he didn't come from an openly affectionate home, and to top it off, has zero dating experience. Most of the time, it flies past him, despite how obvious it may seem to the people around him. So you have to be direct with him - otherwise, he ain't got a clue in his mind about you.

He doesn't really enjoy physical affection - both giving and especially receiving it. Kaiser turns as stiff as a board when you hug him and kissing makes his hair stand out [not the good kind of standing out either]. The most he can handle is holding hands and even then that depends on whether or not he had a good day. Once the relationship deepens he is more open to being doted on but still, the uneasy feeling never fully goes away.

While Kaiser isn't terribly great with words, he doesn't hide his feelings and thoughts from his partner either. If you ask for his opinion on something, he's going to be completely honest about it. Even if it does perhaps hurt your feelings - which will most definitely cause some fights between the two of you. Kaiser doesn't mean to hurt you, he's simply saying what he believes is true. [A true man doesn't lie!] Just means his praise and love are more meaningful.

While he's not big on stuff like protecting cuddling or sweet whispers - he has little ways of showing his love and appreciation. If you mention needing something, he's immediately buying it and gifting it to you - Helping out with your load of chores, etc.

If anyone so much as even pinches you, Kaiser is punching the lights out of them. Doesn't matter if he knows you can handle those situations just fine, he's still

Kaiser follows a strict schedule where he awakes at six and passes out by ten. It shall not be stopped by anyone, even his partner - who he keeps waking up due to his loud ass stomping. While he prefers them to follow at least a similar schedule - he doesn't care what his partner does, as long as his own schedule is remotely unchanged.

Ideal date; Oh A nice walk in the park where the weather is nice - siKE Our boy Kaiser fully believes that working out together is the perfect date and while to some, it is, you forget that Kaiser likes pushing his own and his workout partner's limits. May God help your soul.

[a rare friend additional hc cause it made me chuckle; But he still invites that one dude [Glass Joe] so his bud just sits there while Kaiser and y/n make goo-goo eyes while doing sit-ups]


472 Words

I forgot to post this the other day sorry!

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