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I woke up in a cell. I barely remembered anything before I closed my eyes. I looked around, and saw Enzo, who was talking to Hopper on the other side of the room, now wearing the same jacket as I did.

"Hm, you're finally awake, американская девушка (American girl)," a guard spoke as he opened the door, and told everyone who was in the cell to follow him. How nice of them, they waited for me to wake up, I sarcastically thought to myself. I joined the line that formed near the door, and was walking behind Hopper.
"Hey Hopper, what happened?" I whispered to him.
"They found out about the plan," he answered quietly.

The rest of the walk was silent. We descended into a cage-like thing surrounded by a concrete wall, where we lined up one by one. I wanted to ask what is happening, but I already asked over a million questions and was convinced that it was becoming slightly annoying by now, so I stayed quiet. Yapping is my cross, I suppose.

"ДВИГАТЬСЯ! ДВИГАТЬСЯ! ДВИГАТЬСЯ! (MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!)" a guard shouted and navigated us to a door. We walked trough a small hallway, and found ourselves in another room. But this one was different. It had a big table in the middle, was dimly lit, baasking in an orangish hue, with lots of food on the table. It felt like a luxurious restaurant, except that it was in the middle of a prison.

"Am I dreaming, or is this real, American?" I heard as Enzo chuckled to Hopper, who didn't seem really happy about it. We all sat down, taking our seats at the meticulously arranged table. I was next to Hopper, while Dimitri was on the other end of the bench. He was talking in Russian to some random guy next to him.

"Um... Hi," I looked at Hopper, who was putting a bottle of alcohol under his jacket. Questionable, but acceptable.
"Hello," he plainly answered after a few minutes. It was silent between us after that until he spoke up. Enzo was listening to the conversation between Enzo and the random man on sitting opposite of us.
"I'll figure it out," he begins, not clearly sure who his words are adressed to. "This creature... It's about three feet tall, thin, it's got white skin, got no face and got no eyes."

Everyone looked suprised after Enzo translated them what Jim said.
"How do you know?" The man sitting next to Enzo asks.
"Because I've seen one before. I fought it. And as for your theory... Wrong. Do you know why they feed a predator with live loot? Because otherwise the predator will get bored and will not eat. It's invigorated by the hunt. We're not going to train this monster with swords and axes. We just have to entertain it. And this food is not for us to gain strength... That's what makes us a greasy mouthful. We will be filled with all the good that a monster in development needs."

Meanwhile Enzo was translating his words to Russian for the others, who looked more scared with every sentence he said.
"So eat up guys... Enjoy it, because this is your last dinner."

The rest of the dinner was quiet. Everyone seemed anxious. They weren't expecting this. Hopper took all their hopes with his monologue. Maybe that was his intention, or maybe he just had a hidden talent of bringing down the mood. Keep that talent hidden.

After we finished eating, the guard took us outside, and led us to the cell. Halfway there, Dimitri spoke to Hopper.
"If you want to make a fool of yourself, go ahead. But to break them down, to take away their hopes... What was the point of that?" he asked Hopper, not even looking at him.
"I was just telling the truth, you're just deluding them," the other said in a quiet tone.
"I'm not deluding them! I think we can fight, I think we can win! Right, Y/N?" he looked back at me.

"I don't know. Based on what Jim said... It would be really hard. But yes, there might be a small chance if we tried hard enough, but we probably wouldn't win," I said.
"I have a son, I will not die believing his father to be a traitor. I have to go home to him, and I'm going to go home!"

"Is he weak?" Hopper joined in the conversation.
"What?" Enzo asks in a confused tone with furrowed brows.
"Your son, Mikhail! You know, half-wit, stupid?" Hopper looks at Dimitri while smiling. This won't end well. His son was the only person that mattered to Enzo. Yes, he told me about how his wife hates him.
"No, he's really smart. Smartest kid in his class!" He smiled at him.
"Then you're not even his father!" Jim laughed, angering Enzo.

Meanwhile a guard was shouting at them to stop it and move.
"American... Stop talking if you don't want to die sooner," Dimitri hissed back in response.
"I could, but I know it doesn't matter because I know I'm going to die today. Because I know who I am and I know what i did, unlike you! You can't face the truth, that you're here through your own fault, that you're going to die today, and that your son isn't even your son!" Hopper let out a small laugh.
"Hopper, stop. Enough," I spoke up from behind him, but he completely ignored me.
"And your wife -" he couldn't finish the sentence, because Enzo punched him in the face.

Hopper turned to him, and they started to fight, both of them trying their best to land a punch on the other.
"HEY!" I started to run towards them, but a guard caught me, and gripped my hands, making me unable to move further.


"Are you happy now, American?! Hm?! Tell me, was it worth it?! You think it was worth it?!" Enzo asked Hopper in an angry tone while sitting on the concrete bench next to me.
"We call it Demogorgon," Hopper said suddenly. "I have no idea how it got here, or what they did to it, but everything is said about it is true. But it has a weak point. Fire. It hates fire. So to have any chance, we need some alcohol and something to light it up," he explained as he pulled out a lighter from his pocket and lighting it. "So yes, it was worth it."

"You son of a bitch..." Enzo started laughing.
"Don't make me laugh, my ribs are broken!" Hopper joined them. It was a pretty strange moment. In a second, they are fighting, and in the other, they are laughing together. Strange men. But lovable, and might be our only hope at surviving this night.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 // 𝐃𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐑𝐈 "𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐎" 𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐕Where stories live. Discover now