Plans and Plots

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Just as Farooq had wanted, Roshni was put on house arrest. Karan and Rhea tried their best to change Mansoor's mind. 'Abbu what's wrong with what she did?' Rhea asked. Mansoor held Roshni's hand and pulled her closer to him. 'What's wrong. How did she fall in love with that Aman. Did she think once about me before doing all this?' Rhea said 'Abbu love happens, we don't make it happen. Karan added 'and what's wrong with Aman? We know him since childhood. He is well educated, is wealthy and has a good character. Didn't you see how he took the blame on himself and how he stood there. Even when Farooq was physically hurting him, he stood there and didn't let go of her hand. If he can do all this then isn't it obvious how much he loves Roshni.' Mansoor thought for a while. What Karan and Rhea made sense to him. He himself had somewhat admired what Aman had done earlier but his ego wouldn't let him accept anything. He took a deep breath and announced his decision 'this is my final decision. Roshni will not meet Aman again and I will get her married to Farooq within a month.'
       Roshni who was standing there in a numb, lifeless state looked up as soon as she heard this. 'Abbu, how can you even think I will marry this man. For God's sake, I call him Bhai. If I don't get to be my Khanbaba's wife then I won't be anyone's wife so please get this thought out of your mind' and was about to leave when she heard her father say 'if you don't obey me then I will take my own life.' Karan went to Mansoor and said 'Abbu what is this? Just to make her agree to this marriage you are threatening her to take your life. How can you do this to her? Abbu a marriage only becomes a marriage when it is done happily and not under pressure. Do you think she'll be able to be happy if she marries Farooq while harbouring feelings for someone else?' Mansoor said 'I don't want to hear anything else. This is my final decision.' Roshni looked around. She loved Aman more than anything in the world but she couldn't let anything happened to the man who gave her life. 'Fine. I will do as you say but remember one thing. One day you will regret the fact that you forcefully sent your daughter into living hell. Also after the marriage never come to me saying you are anyone to me. There will not be any kind of relation between us. Even if I die don't come to see my body.' Roshni's words hit Mansoor hard but he had taken his decision and no one could change that.
Roshni went to her room and locked the door. She leaned against the door and cried. She got a notification on her phone and she checked it. It was Aman.
Aman - 'Don't worry. We will get out of this somehow.'
Roshni - 'Abbu is forcing me to marry Farooq. That too within a month'
Aman - 'What! I'll do something. You won't have to do anything of that sort.'
Roshni - 'He is threatening to take his own life. I'm scared Khanbaba.'
Aman - 'Don't be scared. I'll come to your room tonight and give you a phone just in case they take away your phone. We can communicate using that.'
Roshni - 'What if someone sees you?'
Aman - 'I don't care anymore. I have decided one thing and that is that no matter what you will be mine.'
Roshni - 'Hopefully.'
Aman - 'Definitely.'
Roshni deleted her messages with Aman just in time when Mansoor and Salma knocked on the door. She opened the door and glared at them. Mansoor said 'give us your phone right now. Until your marriage your phone will stay with me.' Roshni had to pretend like she was not ready to give them it so that they don't get suspicious. 'What? No. This is my phone. I won't give it to you.' 'Salma, take it from her.' Salma held her hand and forcefully took her phone and handed it to Mansoor. He left and before she went Salma said 'forgive me Roshni. I know you are sad and hurt but whatever your Abbu is doing is for your own good' Roshni scoffed ' my good. If he was actually doing it for me then he would listen to me. He wouldn't try to get me married to someone who I don't even like.' She went back inside and slammed the door.
Farooq was jumping with joy in his room. His dream was finally happening. Roshni was finally going to be his and he would make sure for it to stay that way. He would leave the country with her and go somewhere else where no one would ever find her. 'You love to fly like a bird, right Roshni. I will clip your wings and cage you forever' he said and laughed.

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