Chapter 3, Friends coun.

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There are three boys at the bus stop. Tim, Chris,and Jim.

Tim is tall, brown haired boy who is at the top of the social chain, Chris is medium sized and has dirty blond hair with grey eyes. Last is Jim, we all call him Jimmy. There is something wrong with him and how he acts, I'm doing you a big favor not telling you what. These three guys feel like I could be brothers with, besides Chris. I'll get to that later.

"Hey!" Chris yelled to me.I smiled and high fived him.

"What's up?" I ask.

He shrugs "Nothing much."

The bus stopped in front of bus sign. The bus driver's name is Albert. He's an older person, hard of hearing and eye sight . So many, many kids take advantage of that. Actually we all do. When we got on the bus we all sat in our nomal seats, only my seat had a 6th grader in it. He was tall, had light brown hair and blue eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked, he looked up. His legs where stretched so that there was no room.

"What are you doing?" he asked his blue eye's turning darker.

The bus sarted to move.

“Move in, that’s my seat.” I said in a steady tone making sure that my anger stays in check.

“Go sit somewhere else.” He said with a smirk.

I felt a hand on my shoulder “Come sit with me Av. You don’t want trouble.” Chris said soothingly, I gritted my teeth but went to sit with him.

“I hate those kids.” I say looking at the faces of the kid, he looked all happy that he won. Chris just shrugged. I looked at him. His met mine but looked down quickly. I sighed then leaned back in my seat. ‘No not my seat, Chris’s seat.’ I thought. The bus screeched to a stop.

“Whoa, what was that?” Chris stood up and looked around. A man with a crossing guard vest and a helmet was holding his hand out in the ‘stop right now’ way. A women got on the bus, she had a red coat that was long, and when she talked she had a thick accent.

“I’m looking for a gir’ named Ava.” She said, I slid down in my seat so no one would see me.

“Chris!” I whispered “We need to go, I get a bad vibe from her.” He nodded.

Then he whispered back “On the count of three open the fire escape and jump.” I nodded.

“1…..2….3!” I opened the fire escape and jumped out and ran like heck to the woods.

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