5: In an endless garden of flowers, I will always pick you.

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Upon Cornelia's return to Sweden, she was surprised by how cold it was. Unfortunately, the weather, once again, had nothing to do with the lack of warmth that she felt. There was nothing she could do to escape this cold. This time, she had so many thoughts bottled up inside of her that her emotions made her feel numb. It took her weeks to stop overthinking what had happened that evening at the restaurant. Did Ana get mad? Will Cornelia ever meet her again? She didn't know. It was already August and every day made her hopes slowly disappear. She had already gotten used to the fact that she wouldn't contact her ever again.

And yet she longed to take her hand again, to smell her scent, and to hug her tighter than ever before. She spent most of her days trying to remember how it felt to be close to her. While secretly wishing to see her once again...

Eventually, Cornelia broke down. It wasn't the kind of a breakdown that the public or her relatives could witness; it was the kind of a breakdown that slowly killed Cornelia from the inside. It was called love. The kind of love she could never have. Strangely, nobody even noticed. No one noticed her red eyes from her nightly crying sessions, nobody cared enough...

Cornelia didn't fall in love with Ana because she had expectations. She knew it was impossible. As impossible as flying is to a human being. And she knew that she would never be able to sing her to sleep or wake up near her each morning. Even though it caused her the deepest heartache, she knew. Deep down, she cursed such a fate, but she was powerless.

August was uneventful. Cornelia was resting and taking a break while her world was slowly collapsing. She wanted to work again, since that used to be her only distraction. Every night she scrolled through Ana's social media, admiring everything she did and being happy about how busy she was. She appreciated every person who was able to make her smile; it made her happy. At least for some time...

Although she had Ana's number herself, she never even dared to contact her. Until Ana contacted her first...

Cornelia had just gotten back from her daily walk in the forest, which had become a sacred ritual for her, when she got a phone call. It was Ana. She answered the phone call so fast that she instantly started to regret her decision to pick it up . "Hello? Ana?" Cornelia tried her best to contain her emotions and to not sound as desperate as she truly was. "Yeah, it's me. Look, I just wanted to let you know that I will be visiting Stockholm at the end of the week with my family. Would you like to join me, us?" Cornelia was trying to comprehend Ana's words, but it was all in vain. She was quite literally dying of happiness. "Of course, just let me know at which hotel you'll be staying and the exact date. I'd really love to. " The phone call was short and they didn't have time to talk about anything else than Ana's upcoming trip to Sweden, but once again, for Cornelia, it was enough. She will be seeing her again...

Days have been going by so slowly since the day Ana declared her arrival. Cornelia was all over the moon. Happiness was visible even to the people who never noticed her suffering...She didn't blame them...

After Ana gave all the details, Cornelia booked a room in the same hotel where Ana would be staying. She loved the thought of being close to her. Once again, maybe for the last time ever.

On the day of her arrival, Cornelia couldn't help but think about her. She wondered about what would happen once she greeted her and how this trip would end. Will Cornelia be able to resist her while being so close to her? She didn't know... Cornelia was already waiting at the hotel. The hotel itself was quite beautiful. It was simple, and yet the simplicity made it stand out. She didn't notice the hotel and its interior though, since the only thing on her mind was Ana.

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