10: It is okay for me to have everything

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The night has been kind to both of the women. Even though Ana was still feeling guilty for putting her needs first rather than living unhappily, she finally got the rest she needed. This time, in Cornelia's arms. Cornelia, on the other hand, didn't sleep. She stayed up, watching Ana sleep. She loved the peace that Ana emitted and adored every breath she took. Cornelia had to laugh at herself for being so head over heels for Ana. She couldn't help it though. She loved everything about her and in no way would she have expected to be so close to her again. And while Cornelia was still confused about why Ana stayed here, she decided to wait until the woman spoke about what happened herself. While overthinking, she did fall asleep eventually, and it was her best sleep in ages.

Waking up was never easy for both of them. This time, though, Ana woke up first. After opening her eyes, she found Cornelia near her, resting her head on her heart. Ana still couldn't quite explain the feeling she felt at that moment, but she soon realised it must have been love. After a while, she got bored of the younger woman sleeping, so she woke her up by planting a kiss on top of her head. Cornelia immediately woke up, although with some whining. She only managed to mumble something in Swedish, which Ana prayed weren't curse words. "What does that mean?" Ana asked. Cornelia had never been woken up so fast. She suddenly sat up. "I am so sorry, I totally forgot you didn't speak Swedish." Cornelia let out the loudest morning laugh, which wasn't surprising to Ana since she knew what a loud woman Cornelia was. "It's okay, I just hope you didn't curse me." At that moment, Ana sat up too, allowing Cornelia to get closer. "I would never". It was a perfect opportunity for Cornelia to kiss Ana, and she could never miss such an opportunity. There was no feeling quite like it. Kissing and adoring the woman she loved made her feel like the luckiest person. Ana clearly enjoyed the kiss as much as Cornelia did, since she was the one to make it more passionate. The tongue game was so strong, both women lost their breath afterwards. At some point, Cornelia noticed Ana's neck. "Did I do that?" Ana let out a laugh herself. "Yeah, you did." It was clear Ana wasn't made for morning talks, not while having a make-out session at least. For that reason, Cornelia decided to go further. The scene became even more heated when Cornelia put her hand on Ana's chest. It was unexpected for Ana, to say the least, as the only thing she did was let out a soft moan. Such a reaction made Cornelia continue her actions. She put her hand under Ana's shirt, reaching for her breast once again and squeezing it. At that point, Ana was defeated. All she could do was whimper after every touch and every kiss. After feeling that Cornelia's hand was slowly travelling lower, Ana had to stop her. "Not yet, Cornelia." Cornelia obeyed, since she didn't want to start anything against Ana's will. "Okay, of course. I am sorry. Are you hungry? Because I am starving! " She did try to change the topic, but unsuccessfully. Ana was laughing again. God, what a divine laugh, Cornelia thought. "Well, I can definitely see that." Ana got out of the bed, leaving Cornelia very confused after such a remark. Soon, she decided to get up herself. After all, she was indeed starving.

After getting ready, they decided to not go anywhere and stay in the hotel. Ana suggested making breakfast since she was clearly the one with more experience in the kitchen. Cornelia sat on the counter, mainly out of habit. Ana didn't mind such Cornelia's behavior, although it turned out to be quite a challenge to cook something while Cornelia was blocking half of the kitchen counter. "Could you move a bit? I think I put sugar in that drawer," Ana pointed out to one of the cupboards that Cornelia was covering with her legs. "Hmm... sugar, you say?" Both women started laughing, Ana couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Now come on, Cornelia." Ana was still trying to make the younger woman move so she could make some coffee and breakfast. "You started it, plus I needed to know if you were up for jokes like that or if you were grumpy." Ana raised an eyebrow and stepped up to Cornelia. "Grumpy? Me? Ha!" Seeing Ana laugh always made Cornelia happy, but seeing her laugh from so close made Cornelia want to embrace her and laugh together. Cornelia soon wrapped her legs around Ana's ankles and drew her even closer. Ana was pleasantly surprised when Cornelia embraced her and held her as tight as always. She planted another kiss on Ana's cheek and forehead, suddenly freeing both Ana and the counter. "I love you, and I'd like to continue whatever I'm doing here, but I'm really hungry, and you must be a great cook, so for that reason alone, I will move from this counter." She sat on a chair and watched Ana cook.

After about 30 minutes, both women were already eating. "This is even better than I expected." Cornelia complimented Ana as she bit into an omelette. "It's just an omelette; everyone can cook that." Cornelia let out a laugh. "I can't." Ana raised her eyebrow, making Cornelia laugh again. She thought it was the best morning of her life. Many thoughts were on her mind at that moment, but the one that stuck with her was how she had never loved anyone as much in her life and how she never would. "This is actually so good and I am not even trying to be nice, thank you!" Cornelia's sweetness was the thing Ana loved the most about her. She was not only sweet, but alive. She was in love, and hearing a simple compliment, even if it was about an omelette, was enough for Ana to feel alive as well. "Well, thank you." she smiled as she stood up to wash her own plate. She couldn't help but wonder if Cornelia felt the same and, if yes, how did this happen?

In the evening, they had decided to go to Cornelia's house. After all, Ana couldn't stay in the hotel forever. While Cornelia still needed to know what was happening in Ana's life, she felt that Ana was about to explain it all herself, so she didn't push her this time either. The car ride was a  silent one, although Cornelia could feel Ana's eyes on her throughout their journey. After their arrival, Cornelia helped to get Ana's things inside. This time, Ana saw the house differently. It felt even cozier than the last time she visited. "It's a good thing that you have such a big counter." Cornelia couldn't help but wheeze at such a comment. "You already know me well."

The night came and both Ana and Cornelia weren't tired yet. Ana realised that it was time to tell Cornelia what had happened. After all, she couldn't stay silent forever. "I am sorry. I didn't even tell you why I was here." Cornelia turned to look at her as if to show that she was listening. "I don't need to know the reason if you are not ready to share it." Ana sighed and started playing with her wedding ring. " I want to...My husband learned about us. I mean, he doesn't know that it's you, but I think he suspects us anyway. We have decided to take a break. Well, he decided. I had to agree. You know, I have children and I couldn't just get a divorce..and-" Cornelia saw that Ana was starting to get emotional, and she couldn't help but to embrace her once again. "It's okay, you will get through this. We will get through this. Okay? No need to worry. Okay?" Ana hummed in approval while still resting her head on Cornelia's shoulder. She soon ended the hug and sat down near Cornelia. "I have so many thoughts about all of this right now. I am very scared. The only thing I know is that I am in love. Really. That's the only thing I am sure of at the moment." Ana put her head on Cornelia's shoulder again while Cornelia took her hand and kissed it. "Do you know what I did when I went to that festival in Serbia a month ago?" Ana looked at her confusedly but let her continue. "I took the poster that had your face on it." Suddenly, Ana was laughing in disbelief. "You didn't! Why would you even do that?" They were both laughing. "What can I tell you? I am literally in love with you. People in love do stupid things. I still have that poster though. I kept it." Ana stopped laughing and looked straight into Cornelia's eyes. "Well, I love your love. But next time I will make them print a better poster for you to own." This time, Cornelia chuckled. "Cannot wait." Cornelia didn't even have time to process their dialogue when Ana climbed on top and sat on her lap. Cornelia put her hands on Ana's back while Ana started slowly kissing Cornelia's neck. You could say she was getting her  revenge. When her kisses started to move lower, Cornelia couldn't help but let out a whimper. Within seconds, Cornelia's shirt was laying next to her on the bed and to say that Cornelia was already turned on was an understatement. When Ana's mouth finally reached her breast and her hand reached the other one, Cornelia felt like she was about to explode. Still, she had to make sure she wasn't forcing Ana into doing anything she didn't want to do. "Ana, are you sure?" ...

"Now, Cornelia"

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