One: One Shots

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A groan left her lips as she her eyes slowly fluttered open. All she could see was the blur of what she assumed were trees and a gray and gloomy sky. It took her several long moments of just staring at the trees and sky before she was able to sit up slowly.

Then all of a sudden it hit her. She grew beyond scared of where she was, especially since she had no clue at all of where she may had landed or where she had come from.

On shaky legs, she stood and turned around several times as the sounds of honking followed by sirens filled the air. Her hands quickly went over her ears and she let out a whimper as she grew overwhelmed.

"She has just been rocking back and forth for over an hour. We saw her and noticed the bruises on her arms." A person spoke, as they stood with a few officers and watched as the woman continued to rock herself back and forth on the grass.

"Okay, thank you for reporting it. We can take it from here." Elliot spoke from where he stood beside his partner, Fin.

"What do we do?" Fin asked, as they kept their distance and watched the woman.

"If we freak her out more, she may close down completely. For all we know, she may have something mentally wrong with her. So just move slow and use soft voices." Elliot replied, but he was unsure. He had dealt with his fair share of sick people, but this one didn't seem the same to him.

Elliot took a few slow steps to the woman before squatting down in front of her. He reached out and softly touched her knee.

"Ma'am, I'm Detective Elliot Stabler. I'm here to help you, so please don't be scared of me." Elliot breathed, as the woman's rocking slowed down. She hesitantly let her hands fall from her ears before opening her eyes and locking them with Elliot's.

They stared at each other for a moment before Elliot smiled.

"Can I help you?" Elliot asked softly, as Fin shifted back and forth as he waited for the woman to trust Elliot and let them take her back to the precinct.

"I'm so scared."

"It's okay to be scared. Can you tell me why?"

"N-no." She struggled, as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Why not?"

"I don't know why I'm scared... I just know I am."


The precinct was just another overwhelming place for Jane Doe. No one knew who she was, and her face never came up on any New York database.

"Here you go, Jane." Elliot spoke, as he passed a bottle of water to the woman.

"Do I look like a Jane?" She mused, and Elliot chuckled softly and shook his head.

"No, not really. But all unknown people are either John or Jane Doe. It's your name for now." Elliot smiled.

He sat across from the brunette and watched as she opened the bottle of water before sipping it slowly. She cringed slightly as the cold liquid went down her throat.

"Does it hurt?" Elliot asked, and Jane sighed.

"Kinda. I don't know why."

"Can we do an exam of you? Like draw some blood and maybe do a full exam? Like x-rays and internal and external exams?" Elliot mused. Jane bit her lip before shrugging.

"You couldn't find me anywhere, so why would an exam help at all? It's like I was just dropped here, that I was thrown away."

"Hey, don't say you were thrown away. You aren't a bag of garbage, Jane. I promise that we will figure something out, if not, there are resources to help you get back on your feet."

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