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Olivia made the next morning as normal as possible. She woke up to her alarm and took her vitamins right away before leaving her bedroom and preparing lunch and breakfast for her daughter and Elliot. Olivia checked her phone once she zipped up Ava's lunchbox and saw a message from her mother confirming her trip to the city to see her. 

Just seeing the message made Olivia feel like she had butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't believe that by noon today, she will know who her mother is and what she was like. She'll be able to see if she looks anything like her mother, and learn about her little sister and father.

Olivia couldn't wait for the moment her apartment got buzzed, and she could walk downstairs and greet her mother for the first time.

"I expected for you to sleep in, babe," Elliot spoke, as he walked into the kitchen in only his pajama bottoms.

"My mom is coming today, El. I can't sleep in. I needed to make sure you and Ava had breakfast and lunch for today. Then I need to make sure I look presentable. I can't walk around in pajama bottoms and no shirt like you can," Olivia grinned. Elliot laughed softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He splayed a hand across her belly as he placed a tender kiss just below her earlobe.

"I would love to see you dressed like that. Then all my favorite, almost all my favorite, parts of you would be out for my viewing pleasure," Elliot growled, as he kissed Olivia's skin again.

It wasn't long before Elliot had turned Olivia around, and they were sharing passionate kisses. Elliot even got to where he was just about to boost Olivia onto the counter when Ava's door opened and they quickly parted with disappointed sighs.

"She's up early," Elliot whispered, and Olivia nodded.

"Let's just hope she isn't sick,"


Elliot left at his usual time, but without Ava in tow. The little girl had woken up with a stuffy nose, sore throat, and a fever. Olivia was so focused on her daughter, that she forgot to postpone her mother's trip out to see her. By the time Ava was napping, Serena was at the apartment and buzzing up.

"Mama?" Ava whimpered, as Olivia stood up from the edge of her bed.

"Go back to sleep, Ava. I'll be in the living room when you wake up," Olivia whispered, before kissing her daughter's forehead.

Olivia rushed from her daughter's room and made it to the front door. She hit the button before speaking.

"Mom?" Olivia asked.

"Yes! Can you buzz me up?"

"Mom, Ava came down with a cold overnight. She has a fever and feels horrible. I was planning on contacting you to inform you, but I got busy and forgot... I can pay you-"

"Olivia, I'm a mom. So I know exactly what you are going through. So please, buzz me up. I can help with Ava," Serena replied softly.

"What if you get sick?"

"Then I guess I'll stay in town for a little longer."

Olivia hit the button to buzz her mother up, before opening her apartment door and stood there waiting for her to come up. The moment Serena turned the corner, Olivia couldn't believe how similar they looked. They had the same eyes, hair, and nose. Olivia felt overwhelmed with so many emotions, since in her mind, she hadn't even met this woman before. Even though they had over eighteen years of history that had been wiped from her memory.

"You have grown up so much, Olivia," Serena breathed, as she finally stood in front of her daughter.

"Uh, I'm assuming eighteen-year-old Olivia wasn't scarred when she left," Olivia breathed, as she looked her mother over.

"My little girl... You were very stubborn and passionate. Olivia, you are so beautiful and you are glowing right now. Being a mother really suits you, and I haven't even met my grandbaby yet," Serena smiled, as she brushed a tear from her cheek.

Olivia hesitated for a moment before stepping forward and hugging her mother tightly. They cried quietly as they held onto each other. Olivia didn't get a wave of memories, but she felt the love that her mother felt for her.

"P-please, come in. Ava just went down for a nap, so we are free to talk for a while. I have pictures I can show you, and we just framed my sonogram, just haven't put it up yet," Olivia smiled, as she stepped back and wiped at her tears.


The mother-daughter duo sat and went through pictures that Olivia had taken from Kevin's parents' house. They looked at pictures of Ava was she grew up, and then the pile of pictures that Olivia and Elliot had taken since they became a family.

"So when is my second grandbaby due?" Serena asked once she got ahold of the sonogram. Serena was keeping her voice low, since Ava didn't know that she was going to be a big sister yet. 

"Somewhere during the second week of June, hopefully."

"Hopefully? Was Ava late or early?" Serena smiled, yet she was prepared for what her daughter would say.

"Ava was around her due date, I think. But she was delivered via an emergency c-section. We both almost died."

"Oh, honey," Serena breathed.

"I don't really remember it, well actually I don't remember it at all," Olivia admitted shyly. She stood and tucked the frame away.


"Does Jennifer know about me?"

"Yes, we decided that I'd call you."

"Does she hate me?" Olivia asked softly. She didn't want to focus on her lack of memories, especially the ones she knew she should remember.

"No, baby. She doesn't hate you... we were confused that we didn't know why you left, but now you are back and we understand why you didn't contact us for the longest time. You left for one reason, but the lack of contact was for another," Serena breathed, as she stood and gently touched her daughter's arm.

"I don't know why I left, Mom," Olivia whimpered.

"I know, sweetie. But we can forget that you left and focus on what's happening now... because I can't lose you again."

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