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Elliot requested the records of any change of custody for Ava, and while they waited for those, Elliot and Olivia got to know Ava more.

The little girl was so goofy and smart. She was always laughing and smiling, which made the crinkles on the sides of her nose come out. Dana and James didn't enjoy how much time Olivia spent with Ava, especially since they had a bad feeling Olivia was going to take Ava away from them.

"So I got a call, and they found the records." Elliot spoke as he and Olivia walked together towards their hotel room.

"Did you get them or-"

"I did, baby. Dana and James have custody of Ava, and their reason for requesting it is that you abandoned her." Elliot breathed. Olivia stopped walking as tears welled in her eyes.

"I used to live with them, and they honestly believed that I was the type of woman to walk out on my child? If I'm anything like Ava remembers, we were best friends, and I was always spending time with her. We always went out for breakfast at the cafe, and I'd take her on trips out to the desert to hike." Olivia whimpered.

Elliot quickly wrapped his arms around Olivia and hugged her tightly.

"You will get her back, baby. Especially once Fin sends us the information he has."

"Does he know if Kevin was in New York?" Olivia sniffled as she leaned back and looked at her boyfriend.

"I guess we will see in the morning. Until then, we need to get some sleep."

"I don't know if I'll be able to sleep, especially since in a few hours I may know more about what happened."


Olivia didn't sleep that night. She just laid awake and listened as Elliot snored beside her. When Elliot finally woke up, Olivia was sitting at the desk with Elliot's computer out in front of her. She was reading through the leads that Fin had sent him, and she was completely absorbed in it to where she didn't even hear Elliot say her name.

"What did he find?" Elliot breathed. Olivia shook before taking a shaky breath.

"Warn me next time, El."

"I did. I said your name a few times, but you ignored me." Elliot chuckled. Olivia frowned before sliding her chair back and letting Elliot take her spot.

"The truck that Kevin drives has a GPS that he can't mess with. It turned on when he headed east from Snyderville. It tracked him as he made stops along the way, some for sleeping, which were longer, and others for dropping off loads. Then he made it into New York City and was there for an hour before leaving. It has him stopping near Central Park, where I was found, for only an hour. That would give him plenty of time to scope out the area and then carry me there." Olivia spoke as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

Elliot read over the notes from Fin and tried his hardest to process everything. 

"Liv, did you bring your medical records?" Elliot asked, and Olivia blushed a bit. Elliot had given her some shit for bringing medical records of when she was found, because he didn't know if it would mean anything to Ava when they found her.

"Yeah, I did... even if you told me not to." Olivia breathed.

"Grab them for me, would ya?" Elliot mused. 

"Sure." Olivia replied. She walked away from Elliot and dug through the stuff they had unpacked. Olivia passed him the folder once she found it, before Elliot went through it.

The bloodwork that was done on Olivia happened many hours after she woke up. Her body had processed everything that had been given to her, but as Elliot read over the list of drugs that were tested for, at the very bottom was GHB. There was barely any in Olivia's system, so it was as if the lab tech overlooked it.

"Olivia." Elliot breathed.

Olivia turned to look at Elliot and smiled weakly.


"You were drugged."


Olivia rushed over to Dana and James's house once she and Elliot got the information. Elliot was in the shower when Olivia left, so she was going to be alone when telling them what they had found out.

"Olivia, it's early." James frowned when he answered the door.

"I know, and I'm sorry about that. I just need to talk to you and Dana."

"Can it wait?" He sighed, but Olivia shook her head.

"No. It can't wait. I have some things to tell you about what happened... why I left."

"So you admit you left by your own choice?" James huffed.

"No! I didn't say that! Stop saying that yourself." Olivia grumbled. She had tried her best to be kind and respectful to Dana and James, but it was getting hard since they kept accusing her of things she didn't do.

"You are on mighty thin ice-"

"I was drugged. There was GHB in my system. That is a date rape drug, James. Kevin was tracked traveling east from Snyderville the night I went missing. He stopped in New York City just blocks away from where I was found and was there for an hour. He dropped me there after he drugged and kidnapped me. You may keep fighting on that, but that happened. I have proof of his location and the drugs in my system when I woke up." Olivia spat.

James went silent before stepping back and letting Olivia into the house.

She went over the entire thing again with Dana and James, before being let upstairs to wake Ava for the day. She stopped on the landing and listened quietly as Kevin's parents spoke.

"She's going to fight for custody of Ava... with this proof, she'll get her back and take her out east." Dana whimpered.

"We will fight her on anything regarding Ava. Maybe waking up Ava today will be the last time she sees her, if I have anything to say about it."

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