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Olivia and her mother kept trying to plan another day to see each other where even Jennifer and Elliot could attend, but everyone was so busy. Elliot, Serena, and Jennifer had work, while Olivia and Ava had school. The holidays were hectic, so they did not set a solid plan until Olivia's birthday. They traveled down to DC, and the train ride was long and Olivia was anxious as she thought about meeting Jennifer again.

"Alright, I think she is actually asleep," Elliot whispered as he leaned back from his daughter's seat. She was curled up underneath Elliot's winter jacket, and she was using her mother's scarf as a pillow.

"That's good. She didn't sleep at all last night. I think she may be more excited to see my mother and meet Jennifer than I am..."

"Liv, you are just worried that Jennifer will hate you. That your mother will have to pick between you and Jennifer, and that she'll pick your little sister over you. That won't happen, and your mother tried to hammer that into your head last night," Elliot smiled. He leaned over and kissed Olivia's cheek softly, before reaching out and gently touching her stomach. 

"It's my birthday. I guess I should try to be excited and not an anxious mess... and my medicine hasn't kicked in yet," Olivia sighed. She kissed Elliot's lips before looking out the window and taking a few slow breaths.

Right now, she had to focus on all the good. She and her mother were building a relationship together, and today would start the beginning of her relationship with Jennifer. She was happily dating the man of her dreams, raising her little girl, and growing another baby that she was so excited about. Even if these good things seemed too good to be true, she had to push that feeling away and just enjoy the moments she had with those around her.


It was a little after five when the family arrived in DC. Once they were off the train, they flagged down a cab and took it to a small bistro in the heart of the city. Serena was already there, but Jennifer was running behind. 

"I can't believe my little girl is thirty-three... I feel incredibly old," Serena laughed softly, as she leaned away from her daughter and looked her over.

"You aren't old, Mom. You were barely an adult when you had me, so you are still young," Olivia smiled.

"You look like a grandma, though," Ava spoke, from where she stood beside her father. Elliot quickly pulled Ava close as Serena and Olivia laughed.

"Are you calling me old, Ava Grace?" Serena questioned, her eyebrows kneading together as she squatted down to Ava's height.

"Just a little, not a lot," Ava giggled, before being tugged into a tight hug.

The greetings ended after a few moments. They all sat down at the table and looked over the menu as they continued to wait for Jennifer. Nearly half an hour went by, and she hadn't shown up yet. Olivia got up to use the bathroom, and that is where she saw her sister for the first time in years. 

Jennifer was standing at the sink as she gave herself a pep talk. She was wiping tears from her cheeks with a piece of paper towel, her fingers shaking as they worked to dry the quickly falling tears.

"Hey there, little sister," Olivia whispered, tears burning her own eyes. Jennifer turned around quickly and swallowed hard when she saw Olivia.


"Mom was getting worried that you would bail on tonight, but I'm glad you didn't."

"I'm so scared, Liv. Seeing you again in person after all the shit that went down? You ran out on us, and now you are here in front of me. You look so happy and healthy, and Mom talks about you and the kids all the time."

"I ran out?" Olivia whispered.

"It's my fault that you left!"

"No, honey! I don't know why I left, but I doubt you were the reason!" Olivia exclaimed.

"I was so mean, and I kept rebelling. I said disgusting things about you, and clearly that is why you left," Jennifer whispered. She looked down at her hands and slowly ripped apart the paper towel.

"What did you say?" Olivia asked, as she worried about what may happen now that they were in a confined space together and no one could tell them to stop and get some air.

Jennifer turned her back to her sister before speaking quietly.

"You were going through body issues and were incredibly depressed. I kept telling you that you were ugly and fat... that I wish you had died instead of Daddy. Mom was so busy working and trying to keep a roof over our heads and dinner on the table, so she wasn't around enough to stop me from being a bitch. I pushed you away, and now you are back and I feel you'll hate me."

Olivia didn't know what to say, but she knew that what happened before would not happen again. It was more important to forgive her sister for something she doesn't even remember, instead of icing her out and destroying any chance of being a family again.

"Jenny," Olivia breathed, as she stepped forward and gently touched her sister's back.

"You hate me, and I'm so sorry. Please don't use your hate for me to hurt Mom. She missed you so much and-"

"I don't hate you, Jenny. I don't remember all the things you said, so the slate is clean. You and I can get to know each other again, and you can be an amazing aunt to Ava and whatever this baby is."

"You don't hate me?" Jennifer sniffled as she turned to look at her sister.

"You were angry and rebelling. What was said in the heat of the moment doesn't matter now. All I know is that I have a little sister that I love and cannot wait to get to know... Now, why don't you clean yourself up? We can join everyone else soon," Olivia smiled, before tugging her sister into a tight hug.

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