chapter 1 : thoughts

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Jimin pov

I seated myself inside my absolutely new car adjusting my seatbelt. Pushing the key in the keyhole as i started the engine of my brand new Lamborghini Benz black putting my foot on the gas.

I drove myself to my office, park dealers. I'm a ceo of park enterprises my company is famous all over asia for diamonds and gems. It was my father's empire now that he has entrusted in my hands.

I have been single for all my life,why? if one may ask , I can never talk to the same girl for more than a month not because I'm not a one lady man. It's because basically after a month I can't keep up with any of thier talks . I look around for a chatterbox but end up meeting toxic sluts. I am a one woman man so that's how I'm gonna be. Wait , wait for my girl.

Stepping out from my car , putting on my shades tucking my hands in my pocket I walk with elegance being greeted by my employes.

" Good morning sir." Somi my secretary of 3 years greeted me.

" Morning , my routine for today?"

" Just a meeting at 5pm with today . The rest is to be done in the office itself." I nodded as i saw her smile and walk backwards to her cabin.

My eyes were on the screen of my laptop when my phone started ringing. Moving my eyeballs from the screen to my phone i read in my mind . ' eomma'.

" There goes nothing" i said to myself rolling my eyes .

" Hello"

" Hello jimin-ah."

" Yeaa mom?"

" I want to go shopping today." I frowned at her words.

" Ahh so? Go who's stopping you anyways ?"

" Yaa listen . Im going shopping with my friend and you know she has a daughter right?."

" Not interested bye". I said cutting the phone call almost immediately shaking my head at her talks.

" Only if mom had a marriage bureau I'd be even richer" i said to myself as i continued working .

That Evening

I walked inside my house stepping on the marble floor being greeted by one of the maids. Taking my briefcase from my hand she greeted me.

" Good evening sir "

" Evening" i said walking towards my room .

" Sir , mam said dinners at 8pm today. " She reminded as i nodded.

Family dinner is a whole thing in my household. Having dinner together signifies...... Signifies... I don't know something about which my mom keeps saying and I never listened all these years. But we are practically forced to eat dinner everyday which i dont mind.

Standing under the shower letting the warm water run through my body as i let out a sigh. Releasing the stress. Untill when am I gonna shower alone? When will I have a chance to sneak inside while my wife's having a bath? When will she run the loofah through my body ? Looking at me all innocently wicked?

I sighed walking out of the shower putting on just my sweats as i look at my bed blankly. I want to fall for a women and love her till no bounds but i just don't have one yet and not even do I want to find her on some dating apps thinking she is desperate as fuck.

 I want to fall for a women and love her till no bounds but i just don't have one yet and not even do I want to find her on some dating apps thinking she is desperate as fuck

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I climbed downstairs and made my way towards the dining hall. Again i was late as always and i knew my mom wouldn't let me go without a small dose of scolding.

But to my surprise she didn't . She greeted me with a smile as i seated my self on one of the dining chairs looking at the porcelain crockery and back at her.

" Shall we eat?" She asked as she filled my empty glass with some water. We all nodded and started digging in.

Author pov

Hi my darlings first chapter of this book.
I didn't want to be biased and just write jk ffs so i went with jimin this time .
I know it's jimin pov for now. Just for now. Don't worry .

I love you all

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