chapter: 4 Dinner

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Jimin pov

" And that's the gym room." He said leaning against the window as i look out ,letting my eyes capture the beautiful backyard.

  " Your house is pretty" i complimented.

  " Just like you" he smiled and i frowned raising my eyebrows.

" Sorry i didn't mean to wal-"

  " It's fine, i know it wasn't intentional why would a decent woman want to see a Stranger naked anyways." He said taking a seat and offering me one as well.

   '' thanks ,it's not as awkward as before." I said as i noticed something. I looked at his neck again just to make sure i wasn't mistaken.

   " Wait! Is that meglana newsone collection?" I inquired about his chain with just a single diomond , my eyes never leaving the jewellery.

   " Yeah, it's a rare collection." He said looking at his neck piece and then back at me.

   " What do you mean rare collection?there's only one ever made "

    " Just one? "

    " Duh"

   " Well it was in an auction. Expensive as hell. "

     " Yeah since the designer took around 3 months to make it" i said leaving him bewildered. He raised his eyebrows expressing his feeling that he didn't understand. " It's my design"

   " Woah . Seriously? It's so good "

    " Merci" I smiled taking a last look at my work.

    " I make customised jewellery to, so let me know if you want to gift your girlfriend one sometime." I said handling him my business card as he shrugged taking it from me .

    " I don't have a girlfriend , y/n" he said staring at my card. " Ohh" .

   " Do you have a boyfriend?"

    " No , not yet i have been pretty busy." I said looking around at the lawn decorated with potted plants , purple orchids , red roses , yellow tulips , white dandelions.

    Just then yeonjun arrived running and panting . His lungs craving air.

    " It's dinner time mumma is calling us ." He said holding me by my arm as if we have been highschool buddies.

    At the dinner table.

  I opened my mouth stuffing the spaghetti in my mouth savouring it's delicate flavours. As i look at jimin who is in his own world blushing to himself. Or is it just his smile?

   " Is the dinner good ?" Mrs park asked me. And i nodded smiling.

  " It's delicious" i compliment as she smiles.

   " The spaghetti is undercooked. " Jimin said.

    " Yeah and the meatballs are soggy." Yeonjun added. I widened my eyes looking at both of them then swiftly looking at my plate continuing my fill my stomach.

   " That's just how they are please don't mind them." Mrs park said.

   " Oh they are so sweet. They just want to tease you." Mom said smiling at jimin as he smiled back.

   " That's how boys are they love to tease." My park added .

  After the dinner

   " It was a lovely time thank you so much" my parents thanked the parks as we got in the car . I smiled waving them a bye as i saw jimin showing me his eye smile along with my card.

   We started driving off as a rest my head on the head rester of the carseat.
Jimin was handsome and pretty sweet. I'm sure we can make great friends as well as yeonjun.

  I threw myself on the mattress and started at my fingers. I never knew someone would buy my designs at an auction I'm so proud. I smiled closing my eyes feeling euphoric as i put myself to sleep after such a long day.

Author pov

Heyy darlings i hope you like this chapter.

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Don't worry jimin and y/n won't fall for each other magically . Just some patience my lovelies and ull find out.

See you at the next chapter.


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