chapter 3 : nice to meet you

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Y/n pov

       I quickly run back after closing the door behind me there was a man changing and i just saw him half naked . Wow. i somehow managed to find the bathroom locking myself in i pinn myself against the wall breathing heavily. Hand on my chest as i try to recognise the situation.

      Completing my business i walk back to the living room as i see the same naked man sitting besides my mom , the only difference is that he was dressed this time . I walked a little further as everyone present in the room turned their heads towards me, due to the clatter of my matine high heels.

     I awkwardly smile at mrs park as i take a seat on one of the couches. Figiting with my fingering not wanting to really look at the plump lipped man i bite my own lip feeling nervous. Did he just tell everyone?

     But i just couldn't look at my lap forever i slowly lifting my head but not moving my eyeballs. While the elders kept talking the aura of a certain person made me anxious. I lift my eyeballs in a sudden motion to see him already staring at me . Our eyes meet. His brownish hazel eyes catching mine as i quickly look away.

     " Noona, Is something wrong?" A cat eyed guy sitting on my left asked me. We were introduced to each other earlier by our parents. His name was yeonjun.

   " No , Im fine" i assured him with a smile as he smiled back. While the plump lipped man kept his eyes on me.

   " Oh we didn't introduce you both" me park speaks making me anxious. Is this important? Do i really need to know him?

    " Y/n darling thats jimin, my elder son.
   And jimin that's y/n ,mr.lee's only daughter." He completed as we bowed to each other in respect.

    " Nice to meet you" we said in one sync but this time i didnt break the eye contact i started at him the same way he did to me. Expecting that he'd feel uncomfortable and look away but he didn't his eyes were fixed on mine as he smiled.

     Awww. That was all i could think . His eyes were so adorable and his smile was so sweet.


I smiled back as we both look back to our parents

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I smiled back as we both look back to our parents.

     " So y/n what are you hobbies honey? " Mrs park asked in the most appealing voice . The woman in her 40s didn't look old at all. she was so elegant ,so well carried , and most importantly so down to earth. I smiled as i opened my mouth to speak.

    " I like working out."

   " Jinjja? These two heathens are also so much into working out. Looking around everyday for muscle gain even when they have none." She laughed making the 2 boys glare.

    Well she's completely wrong. Both were built enough and looked toned, healthy, obviously it was just a way for her to piss her sons off.

  "So do you workout at home?" She continued.

  " Yes , In my house gym." I replied smiling to the beautiful woman.

   " Well we got a gym too how about my sons show you around. You'll surely like it." Mr park suggested making the elders nod .

     " Yes noona you have to see our gym i recently bought a new treadmill." Yeonjun said pressurising me ,i didn't want to hurt such a sweet little boy so i nodded smiling.

   " Go on then." Mrs park said making me jimin and yeonjun stand . Just then the sound of the phone ringing filled the room. Yeonjun puts his hands inside his pockets to bring his phone out.

    " Oh , gotta take this call , hyung you  both carry on I'll join you soon." He said lifting his hands waving us a bye while me and jimin stood there bewildered.

    Author pov

   Heyy honeys hope you like this chapter

  I love you darlings

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