Chapter 5: Badlands

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TW: Blood, Death, Violence

Chili Pepper took the road to the badlands. The scorching heat did not bother Chili Pepper as she was thinking about something. "Maybe i can get some answers." Chili Pepper thought to herself.

Later on, she arrived in a wild west town and walked into the bar. Chili Pepper was greeted by one of the members of her gang. "Hey boss? what brings you here" the gang member said. "How's the prep going on? Chili Pepper asked. "we're ready for another Bank robbery, but (you know who) is in this town." The red haired cookie slammed her hand on the table. "HER AGAIN!?" Chili Pepper yelled. "Keep your voice down" the ginkgoblin tried to calm her down. Whatever,let me check the bounty board" "Wait it's not a go- and there she goes again."

Chili Pepper looked at the bounty board and made. her angry. the bounties showed a picture of Cream Puff, Alchemist, and Wizard Cookie with their bounties set higher than Chili Pepper's bounty.

"Screw the bank robbery, we got some people to deal with! and we're needing our whole gang to handle em." Chili Pepper ordered her member. "On it boss." The Ginkgoblin walked to the back of the bar while Chili Pepper walked outside and waited.

"I've Finally found you, you thieving little rascal!"

Chili Pepper suddenly recognized the voice and turned her head to find a cookie holding two guns.

Rye Cookie appeared behind Chili Pepper aiming her one of her guns at Chili Pepper. "We finally meet again eh? it seems like you're asking for another round against me." "You read me, you may have gotten lucky but this is the end of the line for you." Rye warned Chili Pepper. "Well you aint getting me this time!"  Chili Pepper

"Oh? Looks like you're here too" A familiar voice

This made Chili Pepper gasped as she looks at the three cookies wearing dark outfits. Cream Puff, Alchemist, and Wizard Cookie were standing on one of the roads, menacingly. "Its that red-haired weakling, and we got a newbie huh." cream puff  said while looking at rye. "I can tell this will be a waste of time." Wizard sighed "Who are yall anyways" Rye Cookie asked the three cookies" "Our names are none of your business, don't get in out way." Wizard warned Rye and Chili Pepper. But Chili Pepper snickered and could not contain her laughter.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You, warning me, *laughs* you can't even win a fight, because you are wizards, not some "sorry excuse of a cop." Out of all of you, the "shortest" three ever threatening a bandit and a sheriff." Chili Pepper offended the dark wizards.

The one mistake Chili Pepper was about to make.

"How DARE you! I'm not SHOOOOORT" Wizard got mad off because of chili pepper's insults. Rye was seemingly confused and somehow does not question it. "ahem. are we done here? we have somethin left to finish 'ere" "Good thing i got back up!" Chili Pepper made a whistle sound using her fingers.

"What the-" After Rye got cut off, an army of ginkgoblins arrive. some in vehicles and some appear on the balcony with snipers. "Oh that aint fair now."

"Don't think you're the only one who can do that."
Cream Puff snapped her finger

The sky changed to nighttime as the ground started shaking. Rye didn't know about what was going on and tried to keep her balance. "What the heck did this turn into?!"

Everyone took a look at the distance to find a stampede of monsters running into the town. Rye was surprised by the amount of adversaries she's dealing with. "We wait 'till the clock hits 12." Chili pepper told everyone.


The standoff got intense by the second as the clock ticked.

After a moment. the clock rang and everyone fired all their shots at each other.

Rye locked her sights on Chili Pepper and fired her guns at Chili Pepper. Chili Pepper dodged to the side and ran towards rye. Rye deflected Chili Pepper's Knives and uppercut punched her and fires two bullets at her. Chili Pepper recovers from doing a backflip while dodging the bullets. a Giant fist punched Chili Pepper and Rye into one of the buildings. Chili Pepper and Rye groaned as they try to get up. Chili Pepper threw one of her knives at wizard but wizard tiled his head to the side, the knife nearly pierced wizard if he didn't moved his head. the knife landed on a wall and broke a quarter layer of it. Chili Pepper ran towards wizard cookie but was flung away by Cream Puff's Jelly-Made Hand.

Pure Vanilla used his staff to heal angel cookie's wounds while Devil sat on the floor watching the healing process. "This cookie seems to be injured. just a rest will do the trick." Pure Vanilla gave the good news to Devil. Devil left the room without saying a single word. as he exited the room, everyone standing outside looked at him. "They're fine. just a simple rest." everyone sighed with relief. Devil exited the kingdom for a walk when they noticed a hangar right next to the crow's inn. They took a peak and see wires on the sides and shelves filled with wafflebots. There was no sign of Strawberry Crepe anywhere, Devil wandered around the hanger until a brown door with a warning sign got devil's attention. "Do not open this door, and if you do then i'll be haunting you in your sleep! from SCC" Devil read out loud. "I didn't know Crepe has a secret room." A voice startled Devil. That voice was Custard. "Shall we open it?" Devil grinned sinisterly.

They opened the door and find a room with a computer and robots almost built. "Hey, this robot looks like meeee- HUH?!" "Strange but not my problem." Devil shrugged as he dug through the pile of papers. He found plans for the look-alike robots and read them. "Step 1: Steal their DNA samples. Step 2: Input the data into the machine. Step 3: finish building the robots. Step 4: Yes" "Yes? what does that mean? Devil flips the paper to the back and reads the tiny message "Notice: Plans scrapped because of unknown reasons." Devil decided to take it with them and called custard and told him that they're leaving. custard followed Devil out of the hangar.
Chili Pepper and Rye Suffered injuries and cuts on their bodies but stood strong. They tied Wizard and Alchemist up with a rope. "Now thats taken care off, we're not done yet!" Rye aims her guns at Chili Pepper. "Now then. come quiet or i will go hard." Chili Pepper plucked a chili crystal out of her hair and flicks it onto Rye's eye blinding her and making a run for it. 

Chili Pepper arrives at the train station but before she gets on the train, she takes one last look at her dead members. Chili Pepper wanted to avenge her crew, but now wasn't a good time to do that and climbs onto the train. The train starts its departure to its next location.

"Finally, its over" Chili Pepper Sighed

As she was resting, she was starting to forget someone.

A knife stabbed her from the back. the knife was pulled out leaving blood to spew out.

"You forgot about me, didn't you" a lighter voice spoke behind Chili Pepper

That voice was Cream puff standing behind Chili Pepper with a knife on her hands. "You sneaky b-" Chili Pepper were cut off by the immense pain from her stomach. her vision started to blur and gets weaker by the second. "you.... i won't forget this...!" Chili Pepper died, and the blood spilled off the train.

"So that takes care of her then." Wizard asked Cream Puff

"We should've done this earlier" Alchemist realized.

"We should head to the tower of frozen waves to make sure there's nothing stopping us" Cream Puff gave out the idea to alchemist and wizard. 

"But there's someone i want to have fun with first." Cream Puff gave the devious smug look

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