Chapter 25: The Magical Battle

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Tw: Blood

         "Hmmm... 20 cups of espresso... Check. Soul essence... Check. Sugar crystals... Check.  all requirements are up to par. Time to begin the magic candy process." Espresso flipped the switch. The ingredients began fusing itself into his magic candy. It was a failure. Espresso smashed the table right next to it. "DAMMIT!" He breathes in, trying to calm him down. "i must keep my composure. I cannot be unprofessional towards my allies."  Espresso got the ingredients back and repeated the same process.  The magic candy infused with the ingredients.

"Process is still going as planned. The magic candy was a success. Espresso removed the magic candy from the equipment and placed it back into his soul.  Espresso exited his laboratory. He looked to his left to see Almond and Madeleine having a talk right next to a van. Espresso fixed his coat and glasses.

Something got his attention. It was Latte pouring milk into her latte. He looked at her. "You... You.. YOU...." His hands were shaking from pointing at her.  Latte immediately knew what his problem was. "Espresso, its milk. deal with it." "NO! I will not allow you to use milk in an irresponsible way!" Espresso demanded. "Atleast I don't have to drink bitter espresso coffee." Latte scoffed.

"Please, Milk is much better being used in a refined way than some useless Latte magic."


30 minutes later

"Well... I guess we'll have to treat Espresso's injuries later once he wakes up." Almond sighed. He was driving the van. Latte was sitting in the front passenger seat and Madeline sits in the back.

"I am concerned on what Latte Cookie did to Espresso Cookie."

"He insulted me. He had this coming to him."  Latte grunted. She crossed her arms and looked away.

"He's even in a pose that most cookie talk about."


"He got what he deserved."

Madeline decided to stay quiet.

" Try not to go insane on the way to the city of wizards. i heard they repaired the damages caused by Cream Puff cookie." Almond said. "Thank the Divine light for the successful repairs." Madeline sighed with relief.

"Although i do question our approach on this. It won't be hard to warn Moonlight cookie without solid evidence." Almond pondered.

Latte and Madeline were wondering too. Behind Madeleine was Espresso struggling to lift his arm up while holding a file. "I....have the.... evidence...."
He dropped his arm down. Madeleine peaked over the back seat. He sees Espresso still lying on the back seat.

"Hey, I'm going to take a nap, wake me up when we're at our destination." Latte said to Almond. "Alright."

She closed her eyes and went to sleep.


Her consciousness took her into a dark area.  It was completely pitch black, but her body was visible. the thought it was a dream for her. She tried calling out for someone. "Hello?" There was silence. She looked around but there was nothing.

"Are you done sightseeing? Latte Cookie."

Latte turned around. She saw Cream Puff standing in the distance. "Cream Puff cookie? is that you?"

Cream Puff was in her normal self. Latte walked up to her, trying to call out her name. "Cream Puff cookie!" As Latte got closer to her, Cream Puff's clothes glitched into her darkness clothes. "Clueless as ever, you'll never get it." She grinned. "Cream Puff cookie, what's the meaning of this!?" Latte asked. "I'm just communicating with you in your dreams." Cream Puff told her.

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