Chapter 19: Bad Memories

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TW: Death, Bullying, Blood, Violence. 

"Its not fair! Why did everything have to happen this way..." Crepe was blinded with sadness and hate. They didn't pay attention to where they were going anymore. "Stupid Alchemist.... Why did she have to corrupt Walnut." Crepe thought to themself. They couldn't remember anything after they woke up in a cryo-baking pod.


Strawberry Crepe was 4 years old. They were lonely at that time. They were bullied and was sad all the time. They were playing by the swings until three cookies came up to them. "Hello! Do you want to play on the swings with me?" Younger Strawberry Crepe asked. The cookies started to push them off the swing and laughed at them. "What a weakling!" One of the cookies said. Strawberry Crepe cried as they laughed at them. "Leave me Alone!" Younger Strawberry Crepe said. They were bullied constantly. Strawberry Crepe was smart for an unusual age. One fateful day. They were walking around the village when a cookie was found dead in one of the alleyways. They noticed it was their biological mother and was shocked. "Mom!" Crepe ran up to her and noticed their older brother was standing there with a knife. "W-what is going on!?" Crepe cried. Crepe's brother looked at them. "She's an absolute fool just like Dad and you." Their brother said. "What are you talking about!?" Strawberry Crepe asked.

"Tch pathetic, a loser like you wouldn't figure that out."

Cookies started to come to the alley to see what the situation was.

Crepe's brother decided to shift the blame to them "This one killed their mother."

"WHAT!? I DIDN'T DO IT!" Strawberry Crepe tried to fight back.

One of the cookies called them out. "What's that knife doing in your hands then?" Strawberry Crepe looked on their hands and noticed the knife was on their hand. They knew it wasn't there when they got here. The villagers were outraged and decided to capture Strawberry Crepe. "This kid should be punished." "Let's put the kid in the storage!" The Villagers made Strawberry Crepe served a harsh punishment. The villagers threw Strawberry Crepe into a storage and locked the doors. They were in tears.

"Why does everyone have to hate me!? Why is life unfair....."

" Maybe they're right. I am a loser... I want to sleep to death." Strawberry Crepe decided to follow the idea of theirs and went to sleep.

A day later

The dark flour war happened, and a mysterious cookie broke the door open and grabbed Strawberry Crepe. Strawberry Crepe was still asleep while the cookie took them to a laboratory. They placed him in a cryo-baking pod. " I'm sorry I couldn't defend you back then... my child. I am not a good father to you... i want you to have this." Strawberry Crepe's father placed a teddy bear next to Strawberry Crepe and closed the pod. Strawberry Crepe was left alone in a hangar for years.

After 10 years have passed. Strawberry Crepe woke up from a Cryo-baking pod. They looked around their surroundings and noticed they're in an abandoned lab.

"Hello? anyone there?"

There was nobody there to respond.

Crepe opened the door and say their home was in ruins. "What happened? i can't seem to remember anything at all.

a cookie in a crimson dress approached Crepe.

"Hello there child. Are you lost?" The Crimson cookie asked.

"I can't remember anything what happened here?"

"The dark flour war happened. but this place could be all yours if you agree to join me in my quest to reshape this world!"

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