Chapter 7: Banshee: The Scythe Villain

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(A/N: "talking" 'thoughts')

Jayden stands back up and looks at his hands, seeing a newly designed HUD; suddenly a female voice greets him...

"Hello Jayden" the voice says. Jayden replies confused, "um...hello?" as he tries to figure out where the voice is coming from. "Am I going crazy? Maybe I should try to get some more sleep..." Jayden whispers. The voice giggles, seemingly finding his confusion to be funny... "you're not going crazy kid" Peter states over the headset. Jayden shoots a web as Peter continues to tell him over the phone what's going on, "that voice is your A.I., figured that when there are times I can't help out, she could". Jayden smirks, "oh coooooool!", he then runs up a building where he sling-shots himself to the edge. When diving, Jayden then gets another call.

Putting Peter on hold, Jayden answers the call and it's Martin Li; he greets him, "hey Mr. Li what's up?". Swinging through the city Jayden hears the reply, "Hey Jayden! just wanted to let you know that we're still getting ready for the party. I guess the cake delivery is stuck in traffic again." Martin says. "Okay, well just let me know when it's there and I'll swing by" Jayden says and hangs up, swinging around until an alert pops up on his HUD. 

The police scanner goes off "all units a F.E.A.S.T truck is being robbed" Jayden then swings towards the location once he arrives he sees the criminals ripping open the driver side door with a crowbar a woman then appears carrying a giant scythe 'Banshee' Jayden thought 'I thought Rachel put her behind bars' Jayden then jumps down gaining the attention of Banshee and her goons "hello there" Spider Man says. "Spider Man?! I was expecting Ghost Echo" Banshee said sounding disappointed, "well I was in the neighborhood so you'll have to settle for me" Spider Man says and Banshee sick's her henchmen on him Spider Man starts taking them down one by one.

One thug throws a punch but Spider Man dodges it. He shoots a web at the thug blinding him, he then punches the thug in the stomach and then kicks him knocking him out, another thug pulls out a gun and shoots at Spider Man, who thanks to his spider sense jumps dodging the bullets. One hits a nearby sideview mirror of the truck nearly hitting Banshee "be more careful you idiot!" she yells. Seeing an opening Spider Man shoots a web line at a trash can and throws it at the thug knocking him to the ground and is shot with multiple webs by Spider Man sticking the thug to ground. 

the rest of the thugs get knocked out and this aggravates Banshee "ugh! idiots why do I even bother with them" Banshee says she then swings her scythe launching an energy wave at Spider Man who shoots a web barely dodging the attack. "Aw come on Banshee can't we just talk this out maybe grab a coffee and then you surrender" Spider man quips but Banshee respond by running at Spider Man swinging her scythe but she can't land a single hit on him. "Whoa! No you don't" he quips landing a punch to Banshee's stomach. She swings her scythe up trying cut the hero in half but Spider Man dodges again "that's dangerous" he says while punching her in the face she stumbles backwards a bit dizzy.

Banshee shakes off her dizziness, she looks at Spider Man with anger but is surprised to see that Spider Man is gone. Banshee feels someone poking her in the shoulder. As she turns around and is met with another fist to the face Banshee throws a punch. Spider Man glitches behind her and kicks her in the back "so how come you're robbing a F.E.A.S.T truck? Oh I know is it because me and Ghost Echo stopped your operations?" Spider Man says. This angers Banshee and she swings her scythe releasing another energy wave but Spider Man glitches teleports as the wave passes through him. Spider man then goes back to normal and Banshee goes and attacks him up close. As Spider Man dodges, flipping and ducking through her attacks. Spider Man then hits her with a roundhouse and then knocks her away with a blade kick and she flies into a pile of trash cans.

 Spider Man then hits her with a roundhouse and then knocks her away with a blade kick and she flies into a pile of trash cans

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(A/N: like this) 

Banshee stands up looking at Spider Man with anger, Banshee throws her scythe and Spider Man flips dodging the weapon and it gets stuck in a wall. Banshee then goes for a punch and thanks to his Spidey sense he catches the punch but that's exactly what Banshee wanted she uses her free hand calls her scythe back to her. The scythe flies out of the wall towards her causing Spider Man's Spidey sense triggers again. He dodges the weapon once again pushing himself off of Banshee into the air. As Spider Man lands on the ground he shoots a web to Banshee's leg and pulls it out from under her. 

(A/N: like this) 

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(A/N: like this) 

Spider Man laughs and asks "Oh I know are you doing this because you're desperate for attention" Spider Man quips and this annoys Banshee. "Ugh?! Shut up!!!!" Banshee says as she starts swinging her scythe wildly. Spider Man dodges every strike and jumps onto a wall. "I mean come on the scythe thing is so old school you should consider investing in a better weapon" Spider Man quips and jumps off the wall. Banshee turns around but Spider Man shoots a gadgets on the ground, Banshee looks at it and laughs "What's that suppose to do?" she says "Well I was hoping it would explode webbing or something" Spider Man says rubbing the back of his head. A beeping sound is heard and the device then opens and Banshee is sent into the air floating there "Uh yeah I meant to do that" Spider Man says he then uses a trip mine and it pulls Banshee to ground and wraps her in webbing.

Spider Man then walks up to Banshee "Pro tip if you can't break into a truck then maybe don't try to steal it" Jayden says. He then calls Yuri and goes to check on the driver "Hey are you okay?" Jayden asks helping the driver to his feet. "Yeah thanks Spider Man. If you hadn't got here I don't know what would've happened" the driver says. "Well guess it's good I got here, listen the police are on their way here. After they arrive make sure to get to where ever you were headed" the driver nods and Spider Man shoots a web line and swings away. While swinging Jayden talks to his new A.I companion "hey suit lady what gadget was that?" Jayden shoots web and zips further before doing an air trick and shooting out another web "That gadget called the suppression matrix. It causes anyone to float in the air for a limited time" Jayden continues swinging while saying that is an awesome gadget.

Time skip brought to you by Chibi Peter failing to make wheat cakes

While swinging Jayden gets a call from Martin Li "hey Mr. Li" Jayden answers. "Hey Jayden we're all ready for the party apparently the driver was nearly robbed but was saved by Spider Man" Martin says. "Well that's great I'll head over now see you soon" Jayden says and changes directions heading towards the F.E.A.S.T center. With something in the back of Jayden's mind saying that something is coming... 

(A/N: so Jayden got to test the kinks of his new suit I also have considered adding my own original villains and you just saw one of them I know Banshee's powers may not be original but it was the best I could think of I hoped you all enjoyed this new chapter ciao)  

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