~When you wear his clothes

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HE LOVES IT. You took a shirt and put in on after getting out of the shower and when oli saw you, he melted. He loved how it made you 1000x cuter and he wanted you to stay in his shirt forever.


He would feel like he's falling for you all over again. He would have so many butterflies in his stomach that he could get sick. You found it cute when he would hug you while telling you how beautiful you looked in his shirt


Kane would be all over you, let's be honest. He would hug you,kiss you and basically just loving on you all over the house. He would take pictures and tell you that you look like an anime girl making you laugh at his cuteness while the boys call him a simp


Come on now, its Darren. You know how he acts. This man right here would be ALLL over you. "You should wear my clothes more often if you look this fine" He would be rubbing up your sides and constantly kissing you. Simp.


He wouldn't want to show it in front of the boys but when you two are alone, different person. "Damn babe, you look so good. You should wear my stuff more" Suddenly his shirt is off and on you. No one knows how but it happened


I feel like he would lowkey be smiling a lot seeing you in his shirt or hoodie. Anytime you even walk past him, he would start smiling or blushing just falling for you even more. He would leave his stuff around because he would be shy to ask you to wear it.


Just like regie, he would say anything but when you two are alone he's wanting you close to him. When you guys cuddle, ryan would snuggle and hold you close making you laugh at his actions. You start to wear his stuff more because it's funny to see him turn soft for you

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