~ Meeting his family

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(Me editing rn: Im literally posting this instead of doing math work 😃)

this book has gone kinda well (surprisingly)

HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN SEB AND GELA (ithinksthatshernameidk) They're so cute 😭💕 dating or not, I'm happy for seb and we should support them 100%


His mother was caught off guard and apologized for not being prepared for a visit "I'm sorry the house is a little messy" "oh no, its okay" You met everyone and never realized how big Oliver's family was until then "Sorry if this is a little overwhelming babe" you told him it was okay
Mateo was happy to see his brother And even more happy to see his now girlfriend "Wow, oliver was right! You are pretty, he talks about you a lot when we call-" "okay okay okay mateo" you laughed at oliver being called out by his little brother
You're Definitely visiting again, maybe just for mateo

Just like oliver's girlfriend, you never realized how big seb's family was until you walked into their house "It's nice to finally meet you, I hope my son doesn't drive you crazy" you got along with his mom very quickly "oh no, not at all" she showed you a lot of baby pictures of sebastian, which of course made him embarrassed "Oh my god mom, don't show her those"
You had her send some to you for blackmail and enjoyed dinner with them, of course playing some games with mateo

You went with him on Christmas break and his parents were shocked but immediately welcomed you "oh my! What a surprise, we didn't know you were bringing her justin" You felt really happy to finally meet his parents and family, his sister really got along with you "Does justin still snore, I used to be able to hear from my room" "Not really, well at least none I can hear" she would tease you guys whenever you two did something lovey-dovey "oooh~ what are you two doing alone in the kitchen at 2am" "WHY ARE YOU UP RACHAEL"
It felt like a 3rd home for you
(Obviously, you have your own family, nsb and now justin's family)


His sisters loved to tease you guys, mostly ryan "Ryan got a girlfriend" you laugh as they start making kissing noises at you guys and ryan just rolled his eyes "Im sorry about my annoying sisters" "no its okay, its cute" you got along with his family well and they loved you and ask about you often when calling him "Im starting to think they love you more than me" His mom would go out to have a girls day with you guys would have small moments like cooking together or shopping
You loved meeting his family

You met his family along with char(I love her so much 🥰) and they opened up almost immediately when you came home with him "Nice to meet you y/n, so glad to have you in the family" His mom spent lots of time showing baby photos and videos of darren, despite darren protesting "These are so cute dar, look your little hands" "Ma, stop showing her photos I know I was a cute baby" You and char got along really quick and become best friends "So you're stealing my girlfriend" "yea cause she likes me more than you" you were just in the middle of the chaos
You were excited to meet them again

You already met ty and he thinks of you as a little sister and his family love having you around "Is y/n coming to visit soon?" His mom would always ask about you somehow "How is everything with y/n?" "I bought something for y/n, I wanted to know if you think she likes it" You've been apart of the family since kane started dating and lets say ty was excited for his little brother and told his mom
The whole family is ready for the wedding

(Since we don't know much abt his parents, he's meeting yours so 👍😃 just go w it)

Regie wasn't really nervous to meet your parents, he was actually kinda excited "Do they drink, which would they like more?" "Regie no" your parents didn't mind him at all and welcomed him quickly "Its nice to see our child with someone who is open with who they are" you were honestly happy that regie and your family didn't have anything awkward happened and got along really well, they even invited him to future family gatherings and events "Oh sure, I can talk to my manger and make time in my schedule
That went well huh


Hope you enjoyed💕

My new fav meme of regie😭😭

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My new fav meme of regie😭😭

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